
Deanesfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve... And Make A Difference!

Week 9 - Week Beginning 8th June 2020

Reception Home Learning - Week 9 (8th - 12th June)


Hello Reception! We hope that you all enjoyed your first week of pirate fun as this week there are even more pirate challenges and activities ready for you to try!


Remember to email pictures of your pirate-themed work into so that we can see all of your creative and imaginative hard work! You might even spot some of your in the Friday Flyer!


We are really missing you and cannot wait to hear all about your week!

Bingo Challenge Grid – How many boxes will you cross off this week?

Floating and Sinking


What sinks and what floats?


Investigate different objects made out of the same material. What can you find out?



To practise your doubles to 5, make these doubling hands.

Use them to find out what double: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 is.

Make a car park using these tricky words: he, she, we, me, be, my, was, they, her, all, are, you, I, no, go, into, to, the. When you drive your car into one of the spaces or put your toy in the space say the tricky word.


Pretend that you are the captain of a pirate ship. Write about what you have done and where you have sailed today. Use as many WOW words as you can and use the word ‘and’ to add extra detail.

Number Bonds to 10


There are ten pirates altogether separated onto two boats. How many pirates could be on each boat? How many different ways can you find to make ten? Can you draw pictures to match?  

Make your own treasure map full of ‘ar’ words.

Make a puppet of a pirate, a mermaid and a crab. Act out an adventure that they could go on together. You could use felt tips and a lolly stick to make your puppets or even socks to make sock puppets!

Pirate Yoga!



Create your own journey stick on your next walk. Either use a stick and tie different natural objects onto it that you find along your journey with string or use a strip of cardboard and double sided tape.

Leaf Threading


On your next walk collect some leaves. Attach some string to a small twig and thread your leaves onto the string. Be careful – it’s very tricky! 

Pirates often got poorly as they didn’t eat enough fruit. With help from your adult make a healthy fruit salad fit for a pirate. Can you write instructions for your recipe and send it into adminjobs@deanes

so that we can all give it a try?


Addition game!


Message in a bottle…


Write a letter to a friend or someone in your family that you love. Explain to them why they are so important to you. Tea stain your letter and put it in a bottle just like a pirate! 

Create your own number bonds to 10 rainbow!


Wanted Poster


Pirate Self Portrait 

Why not try turning yourself into a pirate? Print off an A4 picture of yourself and cut around it closely. Create a water background using blue paints and stick the picture of you on top. Now draw some pirate accessories like an eye badge and a pirate hat or even a parrot on your shoulder. 

Bird Feeder

Cut an orange in half and scoop it out saving the filling. Make a hole on each side of the orange and thread some twine through. Fill with a mixture of peanut butter, raisins, oats and the orange filling.


Suggested Structured Timetable:

09:30 – 10:00: Phonic Activity from the Bingo Grid or from ideas below.

10:00 – 10:30: Exercise Time

10:30 – 11:00: Free Time

11:00 – 11:30: Maths or English Activity from the Bingo Grid or from ideas below.

11:30 – 13:00: Lunch Time

13:00 – 13:30: Bingo Activity

13:30 – 14:00: Reading Eggs or Mathletics

14:00 – 14:30: Topic Activity from the Bingo Grid or from ideas below.

14:30 – 15:00: Read a storybook, complete a fun craft, or exercise activity.



Phonic Activities:

  • Listen to the phase 2 and 3 jolly phonics songs on YouTube.

  • Write a real or fake word for each of the sounds. Sort them into a treasure chest if they are real and bin if they are fake!
  • Watch Phase 2 Tricky Words:

  • Watch Phase 3 Tricky Words:

  • Write each of these words on the floor outside with chalk: he, she, we, me, be, my, was, they, her, all, are, you. Run from word to word and when your adult says stop, read the word that you land on.
  • Can you think of as many words that rhyme with each of these words as you can: cat, frog, bell and mop. 
  • Write a description of each person in your family. Remember to use a capital letter at the start of your sentence, finger spaces and a full stop at the end of each sentence.
  • Play phase 2 or 3 game on Phonics Play :     

Username: march20 Password: home



Maths Activities:

  • Go on a 3d shape hunt around your house. Ask your adult if you can use a tablet or borrow their phone to make video showing all the objects you have found and explaining which 3d shape each one is.
  • Write the numbers 1-5 on small pieces of paper and put them in a cup. Pick out a number and double it. Use small objects (Lego, pasta shells) to support you. Can you write down the matching number sentences as you go?
  • Addition Treasure Chest… Put some small objects (pasta shells/ coins) in a treasure chest (cardboard box/ tuber wear). Pick out 2 handfuls and add the amounts together using a number line. Can you write down each of the number sentences?
  • Create a calendar for the year and discuss what happens during each month.
  • Practise your days of the week song. Can you teach it to your toys?
  • Play this fun game to practise one more and one less:

  • Play this fun game to practise more and less than:
  • Draw a number line from 0 – 20 using chalk outside or on the back of a long piece of wrapping paper. Solve these subtraction equation by hopping back on your number line:

10 - 4 =     14 - 7 =     18 - 6 =     17 - 7 =     6 - 6 =     8 - 4 =     9 - 2 =     15 - 15 =     12 - 5 =

  • Top Marks Maths Games:



Mathletics & Reading Eggs:

  • Usernames and passwords for both of these websites are found in the front of your child’s orange home challenge book.
  • Mathletics – complete any set activities from your class teacher, and explore the website. How many points will you score this week?
  • Reading Eggs – Continue to complete the lessons on your reading eggs account and try accessing the online library to read different stories.
  • Mathletics website:
  • Reading Eggs website:



Topic Activities:

  • What will you use to make your pirate ship?
  • Pirates always hide their treasure. Pretend you’ve hidden some treasure in your garden or house. Draw a treasure map and put an X marks the spot where you have hidden your treasure.
  • Use some old boxes, packaging and other materials to make a pirate accessory. It could be a treasure chest, a telescope, a sword or even a parrot.
  • Be an Artist… Draw or paint a picture of something you can see in your home.
  • Make Your Own Small World … Set up an imaginative small world with mini figures, building blocks and your own trees and buildings made from paper and card.
  • Memory Game: Collect ten small objects from around the house and put them on a tray. Ask the other person to look away while you take away one object. When they open their eyes, they guess what is missing.



PE & Mindfulness Useful Website Links:

  • Joe Wicks YouTube channel: Complete his daily children’s home work outs at 9.30am each day.


  • Joe Wicks 5 min kid's workouts:



  • Make up actions for each of these commands:
    • Climb the rigging
    • Scrub the decks
    • Walk the plank
    • Captains coming
    • To the island

When your adult shouts out one of these commands, do the action as quickly as you can!


  • Real PE: 

The website address is

Parent email:  

Password: deanesfiel


