Reception Home Learning - Week 5 (4th May - 8th May)
Hi Reception! We are all really missing you! We hope that you are enjoying all of your home learning activities and challenges we have set for you.
Take a look at our videos on our school YouTube channel, which includes the video that talks through the challenges outlined on the home learning bingo grid for this week to give you a little extra support.
We cannot wait to hear all about your week!
Bingo Challenge Grid – How many boxes will you cross off this week?
Use some toy cars or pictures of cars to make a traffic jam! Can you make a long line of 9 cars in a traffic jam? How many would you have if another car joined the queue? |
Treasure Hunt! Can you find 3 different objects in your house or outside area that start with each of these sounds? s, t, p and b |
Write the numbers 1 – 10 on small pieces of paper and put them in a container. Pick a number and make a pile that is one more than the number and one less than the number using small objects such as Lego, coins or pasta shells. |
Show Time! Put on a sock puppet show for your family retelling your favourite story. What book will you choose? The Gruffalo? Tiddler? |
Make a list of things that are taller or shorter than you in your house. |
Taste Test! With some help from your adult cover your eyes and taste the different food items given to you. Are they sweet or sour? Is it soft, hard or chewy? What food do you think it is? |
Make a thank you card for someone who is helping us. This could be your postman, shop workers or delivery drivers etc. |
he, she, we, me, be, my, was, they, her, all, are, you Write each of these tricky words on small pieces of paper and spread them out on the floor. When your adult says one of the words find it as quickly as you can and hold it up. |
Threading! Make a pasta necklace using wool or string and pasta. If you want to, you could even paint the pasta different colours. |
Have a go at making your own slushy ice drink by freezing fruit squashes. Once frozen put the ice cubes in a glass and wait for them to start melting before you taste. Discuss the changes you have seen. |
Read these words and draw a picture to match each one: car tree train book king |
Fruit Fun! Start with 10 pieces of fruit such as grapes or strawberries. Now eat 2 of them. How many do you have left? Can you write this as a number sentence? Try it again and eat a different amount. |
Draw a picture of the Gruffalo and write as many WOW words as you can to describe him. |
Set a 1 minute timer. How many times can you do each of these activities in a minute?
Write a silly sentence about a fox, a fish and a boat. Remember to use finger spaces, to start with a capital letter and end your sentence with a full stop. | Look at some pictures of you when you were a baby. What can you do now that you couldn’t do then? What more things would you like to learn how to do as you get older? |
Phonic Activities:
Username: march20 Password: home
Maths Activities:
Mathletics & Reading Eggs:
Topic Activities:
PE & Mindfulness Useful Website Links:
The website address is Parent email: Password: deanesfiel