Year 2 Home Learning - Week 2 (30th March - 3rd April)
Whilst you are at home, why don’t you try some of these fantastic activities?
- Write a set of instructions on how to make your favourite food or dessert.
- Write a recount of your favourite memory.
- Create your own food menu for a fantasy restaurant.
- Write a short story about your favourite character (comic, fairy tale).
- Write about your favourite author/book (what do you like about them? Who is your favourite character? What is the story about?).
- Can you sketch your favourite toy or object in your house?
- Research your local area / draw a map of what your local area looked like 100 years ago.
- Using a map draw the route to your favourite place.
- Design and make your own fantasy house/town out of recycled materials.
- Go on a materials hunt around your house and garden and record your findings.
- Count the birds and wildlife which visit your garden and record your findings in a tally chart, bar chart or pictogram (have your findings changed since last week?)
- Research New Forest or Sherwood Forest and write/draw your prediction of the animals, which live there and explain why you think this is.
- Weigh different materials in your house. Try to estimate before checking the results.
Remember you can access Reading Eggs and Mathletics in the usual way for daily activities!
Log on to and use the login march20 and password home and play your favourite games.
To keep practising your typing skills, if you have a computer, visit to practise.
Practise reading and spelling the Year 2 common exception words found in your orange home learning books. Why not use different coloured pencils or make up your own rhyme to help you remember how to spell the ones you find most challenging?
Don’t forget the letter formation is in your personal organisers to help with handwriting!
Remember to look after your mind and body by going outside for fresh air, washing your hands, eating healthily, drinking water, taking screen breaks and being kind and helpful to your family.