
Deanesfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve... And Make A Difference!

Week 9 - Week Beginning 8th June 2020

Year 1 Home Learning - Week 9 (8th - 12th June 2020)

English Grid Activities


Describe the Monster!


Write down some questions to ask the astronauts that were recently sent to space!




Describe this Setting!

Think about who might live in a place like this. Use your senses to help you describe the setting.



Watch the video 'Pigeon Impossible' and then use the story board to retell the story or make up another mission for the secret agent Walter Beckett.



Create your own Comic Book!


Write a Rainbow Simile Poem!




Topic Grid Activities


Here are a few ideas of some fun things you can enjoy doing at home.



We'd like you to adventure out outside and see if you can try to complete a tree rubbing this week like we did on our walk to the park! All you need is a crayon and some paper!




Complete the word serach all about friendship. Challenge yourself to use the words from the word search to write some super sentences!









Find out all about Africa with the Oak Academy.











Get active at home!





Find out all about Queen Victoria with BBC bitesize.






Explore the plant life cycle.





Computing home learning:

Hi Year 1, 

Before we broke up, we were using the beebots in our Computing lessons. This involved giving them directions to get to the other side of the table or to follow a route planned for them on a large piece of paper. I would like you to see if you can remember how to give directions. With someone else in your house, see if you can give directions to get to and from different places. You could go from your bedroom to the kitchen, or the lounge to the front door. Try to use instructions like "take 6 stepss forward" or "turn left" or "turn right". If you get an instruction wrong, can you fix it to give the right instruction? 

Have fun!

Mrs Fraser

Religious Education (R.E.) home learning:

Hello Year 1!

This term in RE we looking at Special Books.

The Buddhist special book is known as the Tipitaka which means 'three baskets'. This is because it was written on palm leaves, and stored in baskets.

Watch the video telling two Buddhist stories. You might remember them.

Challenge: How can we care for animals? Draw a picture of your pet (or animal that you would like to have). Write a sentence or tell your grown up how you would take care of it. Look out for Mrs Westall's YouTube video on looking after your pet.

Mrs Westall

Music home learning:

Have a go at playing this tune (attached file) on the virtual piano!

The notes on the piano are labelled so follow the words on the sheet and play the note shown above the words. If you're finding it tricky, try singing along to help you remember the rhythm of the melody! If you have a real piano/keyboard/glockenspiel at home, try to use that as well. 

Mr Owen


