Look Smart, Feel Smart!
We are proud of our uniform. The children look and feel incredibly smart and this reflects positively in their attitudes towards learning and striving to be the best they can be.
Our School Uniform
Deanesfield jumper with school logo or cardigan with school logo
White shirt with closed collar or polo shirt
Deanesfield tie (optional)
Grey trousers / knee length grey skirt / grey pinafore dress
White / grey knee length socks or grey tights (no trainer socks)
Black, smart flat shoes (no trainers or visible branding)
Undergarments should not be visible
Summer Uniform Variations -
Summer uniform may be worn during the entire Summer Term and up to 30th September.
Grey school shorts (no sports shorts) with grey / white socks
Checked green and white summer dress (if shorts are to be worn underneath, they must not be visible) with white ankle or knee length socks (no over the knee socks or tights).
No playsuits or jumpsuits
Deanesfield logo sports shirt (not available through our online retailer)
Black shorts
Black plimsolls for indoor P.E. (or barefoot)
Trainers for outdoor P.E.
Black tracksuit bottoms and top for outside P.E. (in colder months)
No harsh haircuts, dyed hair or extensions
Long hair must be tied up
Hair accessories should be discreet and in green / white colour or hair colour
Headscarves should be child's hair colour or dark green and fitted or tucked into clothing.
If earrings are to be worn, these must be studs only
If a watch is to be worn, this should be an analogue watch and unobtrusive (no multifunctional or smart watches are permitted)
No jewellery (i.e. necklaces, bracelets etc) or make-up to be worn
Mobile phones are not permitted in school
Please label all uniform and possessions with your child’s name as this helps to prevent loss.