A hot lunch provision is offered to all children who attend Deanesfield School, from Nursery up to Year 6, with our weekly menus providing a nutritious selection of food freshly prepared by our catering team each day.
All children in Reception to Year 2 receive these meals free of charge under the Government's Universal Free School Meals funding (USFM). In addition, children in Years 3 - 6 are also entitled to receive these meals free of charge until the end of the academic year 2024-25, under the mayor of London's free school meals funding (as given in the letter below advising families of the extension to the scheme). Please note that this scheme is not applicable to children in Nursery. Therefore, parents of children in Nursery who order a school lunch will need to ensure that their ParentPay account has been activated with their lunch account credited for any meals being taken.
To help encourage their independence, children who do not bring in a packed lunch on any given day will be provided with a school lunch. Parents are encouraged to actively engage in viewing the weekly menus with their child and discuss suitable preferences from the options available. Wherever possible, the school will always endeavour to provide your child with their first choice.
If you choose to send your child to school with a packed lunch, please ensure that your child can open their lunch independently or alternatively wrap food in a way that your child can access it easily without help. To help promote healthy eating, sweets or chocolate bars are not permitted and we also request that parents do not send in any items containing nuts to help ensure the safety of our children with allergies.
Spring Term Menu (January - March 2025)
Please find below the weekly menu cycle for the Spring term, as well as the allergens sheet for the menu:
Radish - Our School Caterers
In the Summer Term of 2021, our school partnered with the catering supplier 'Radish' for the provision of our school lunches.
In partnership with Radish, as well as you as our parents and carers, we know we can provide our children with an exciting and varied lunch service offering healthy, nutritious and tasty meals.
Please find below Radish's Introductory Leaflet, giving further information and details about themselves and what they can offer us for your children based on the feedback received from our parental survey.