Reception Home Learning - Week 6 (11th May - 15th May)
Hi Reception! We hope you are having a great time completing all of your home learning activities and challenges that we have set. Be sure to watch our YouTube video each Monday to support your home learning.
Why not try a new skill this week? Give some of these skills a go: tying your shoe-laces, making your bed, doing up a zip, folding clothes, turning clothes the right side out or even doing up shirt buttons.
We are really missing you and cannot wait to hear all about your week!
Bingo Challenge Grid – How many boxes will you cross off this week?
Use claps and clicks to create a pattern. What other actions can you add to make your pattern even more interesting? Use this video to help you: |
Draw two aliens called Obb and Bob. Obb loves to eat fake words and Bob loves to eat real words. Read these words and decide who gets to eat each word:
goat, book, cow, shap, thin, paim, queen, chan, zung |
Make some shape cards and put them around the room. Listen to your adult’s instructions: e.g. find the shape that has 3 sides, find the shape that has no corners and one curved side. |
Read one of your story books. Then write some sentences to describe the main character in the story. How many WOW words can you include? |
Roll 1 or 2 dice and count the number of dots that they land on. Make a pile of objects that is one more and another that is one less than the number shown. You could use cereal, Lego or grapes. |
Using a flower take apart the different parts and name the: Petal Stem Leaves
Make your own paintbrushes using pegs and different materials. Test them out! |
Write each of these words on plastic bottles: he, she, we, me, be, my, was, they, her, all, are, you Throw a ball or hoop and read out the tricky words on the bottles that it has landed on or knocked over. |
What do plants need to grow?
- Air - Sunlight - Nutrients from the soil - Warmth - Water
Plant some seeds. Make sure that your plant gets all of the things it needs to grow. |
Four Seasons Handprint Trees. What colours will you use for each season. |
ar, sh, th, ai, oa, ng, ch, oo, qu, ear
Write these sounds on small pieces of paper and spread them out on the floor. When your adult says a sound find it as quickly as you can and hold it up. |
Write the numbers 1, 2 and 3 on separate pieces of paper and lay them out on the floor. Throw an object onto two of numbers and add them together. Try again with different numbers. |
I Spy! Write the words to match these pictures. |
How many different ways can you think of to move around your room or garden?
- Crawl - Skip - Hop - Jump - Spin - Jog |
Write a different number in each section of the egg box. Use tweezers to move the correct amount of small objects into each section. |
1 Minute Challenge!
How many ____ can you name in a minute?
- Animals - Fruits - Countries - Sports - Books |
Phonic Activities:
Write your tricky words on small pieces of paper and spread them out around your room or garden. When your adults says one of the tricky words, move to it in different ways e.g. skip, hop, jump etc.
Username: march20 Password: home
Maths Activities:
6 - 3 = 7 - 4 = 5 - 2 = 1 - 0 = 10 - 6 =
Mathletics & Reading Eggs:
Topic Activities:
PE & Mindfulness Useful Website Links:
The website address is Parent email: Password: deanesfiel