Hillingdon SENDIASS
Hillingdon SEND Family Support
Please see the Posters below for all forthcoming Clubs, Workshops & Events. For more information including how to book, dates, rules & guidance go to: www.sendfs.co.uk/events/ and click the specific club, workshop or event you're interested in for more specific information.
Please note the rules and guidance may change according to the current Government Guidance and any updates will be sent to those who have booked in advance. Only families who have booked in advance and have signed up for SEND Family Support will be able to attend any of our clubs, workshops and events, but it is FREE to do so by going to: www.sendfs.co.uk/sign-up-for-send-family-support/.
Please feel free to share this email with any other families you may know that care for an individual/s with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
We have improved our contact details so that you can contact the volunteers who can help you more specifically on any queries you may have on the below.
For Support Information email - support@sendfs.co.uk including information on Support Groups
For Events information email - events@sendfs.co.uk
For Clubs information email - clubs@sendfs.co.uk
For General information email - info@sendfs.co.uk
You can also continue to contact us via the website, social media and phone 07752 169849 (What's App available).