
Deanesfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve... And Make A Difference!

Week 3 - Week Beginning 20th April 2020

Year 2 Home Learning - Week 3 (20th April - 24th April)


Here are a list of suggested activities to get you started in your home learning this week.

Our theme is FRUIT AND VEG!

  • Write a non-fiction information page about your favourite fruit (you could include information on appearance, how and where it’s grown and a fun fact).
  • Write an Acrostic poem about your favourite fruit.
  • Make a fruit smoothie and write instructions on how you made it.
  • Write a fruit and vegetable superhero story and/or draw a cartoon strip titled ‘Eat them to defeat them’.
  • Research how and where fruit and vegetables are grown.
  • Use your senses to describe different fruit (how it looks, feels, tastes and smells).
  • Design a healthy meal including fruit and vegetables.
  • Sketch a picture of your fruit bowl paying careful attention to detail and adding shade and tone.
  • Practice the 2, 5 and 10 times tables every day.
  • Weigh different pieces of fruit and order from lightest to heaviest.
  • How many different ways can you sort fruit and vegetables (consider size, weight, colour, how it’s grown)?explain why you think this is.
  • Cut a piece of fruit in half and then quarters – what size piece would you rather? Why?
  • Does it float or sink? Get a variety of fruit and vegetables and test if they float or sink in water. Make predictions and record your results giving possible reasons for your outcomes.
  • Design a fruit garden.
  • Find out the names of different fruit in Spanish.
Learn about fruit in Spanish!

Remember you can access Reading Eggs and Mathletics in the usual way for daily activities!


Log on to and use the login march20 and password home and play your favourite games.


Practise reading and spelling the Year 2 common exception words found in your orange home learning books. Why not use different coloured pencils or make up your own rhyme to help you remember how to spell the ones you find most challenging?


Don’t forget the letter formation is in your personal organisers to help with handwriting!
