Reception Home Learning - Week 10 (15th - 19th June)
Hi Reception! This week all of our home learning challenges are based on the theme of under the sea! Try as many of the fun bingo challenges as can!
Remember to email pictures of your under the sea-themed work into so that we can see all of your creative and imaginative hard work! You might even spot some of your in the Friday Flyer!
We are really missing you and cannot wait to hear all about your week!
Bingo Challenge Grid – How many boxes will you cross off this week?
Sea Sensory Bag
Squeeze blue hair gel or blue soap into a sandwich bag. Add in some under the sea plastic animals or cut out your own using craft foam. Close the bag, squeezing out the excess air and seal with duct tape.
Read a story about animals. Look at the animal characters in the story.
Can you think of how they are different to real animals? |
Cut out some fish shapes and write a tricky word on each one: he, she, we, me, be, my, was, they, her, all, are, you, I, no, go, into, to, the. Put a paper clip on each fish. Make a fishing rod out of a stick, string and a magnet and go fishing! |
Watch the story 'One is a Snail, Ten is a Crab' on YouTube. Stop the story after each page and write the matching number sentence to make each number e.g. the number five is made with the dog’s four feet and a snail so: 4 + 1 = 5. |
Squish the fish yoga adventure! |
There are lots of fish under the sea. How many words can you think of that also have the ‘sh’ diagraph in it just like fish?
Funky Fingers
Make your own octopus by creating 8 paper chains for the legs. |
Watch the story One is a Snail, Ten is a Crab on YouTube. Draw your own animal pictures and write the matching number sentences to add the feet. E.g. 4 + 2 = 6 |
Hold up five fingers, a giant dotty dice or a large numeral and ask the children to show you that number in different ways. Put out lots of different things which children can use to show the numbers, including countable items like conkers, small world toys, large blocks, dot images like dice and dominoes, things in packs like egg boxes and crayon cartons, number lines and 100 squares. Try again with different numbers. |
Water Safety
Talk to a grown up about water safety. Make a poster with your top tips of how to stay safe around water.
Use these videos to help you.
Set up a pirate shop where pirates are only allowed ten pounds each and all pieces of treasure cost one pound. How much have you spent so far? How much have you got left? How many more do you need to buy to have ten? If you buy those two jewels, how much will you have spent? How much will you have left? How do you know? |
Can you put one egg into the bowl of water? What happens? Can you put one egg into the bowl of salt water? What happens? What other objects can you test? What happens? |
Wishing shell…
Imagine that you have found a magic shell. Draw a picture and write a sentence to tell us what your wish would be. |
Race against some one in your house! You will need 2 buckets or large containers each and a sponge each. Fill up one bucket per person and place them at one end of your garden or out door area and the empty bucket at the opposite end. When the time starts the aim is to transfer all of the water from one bucket to the other just using the sponge as quickly as possible! Who will win? |
Draw a picture of a sea creature and find out three facts about it to create a fact file. |
Create an account and read lots of fun phase 2 and 3 books online for free! |
Suggested Structured Timetable: 09:30 – 10:00: Phonic Activity from the Bingo Grid or from ideas below. 10:00 – 10:30: Exercise Time 10:30 – 11:00: Free Time 11:00 – 11:30: Maths or English Activity from the Bingo Grid or from ideas below. 11:30 – 13:00: Lunch Time 13:00 – 13:30: Bingo Activity 13:30 – 14:00: Reading Eggs or Mathletics 14:00 – 14:30: Topic Activity from the Bingo Grid or from ideas below. 14:30 – 15:00: Read a storybook, complete a fun craft, or exercise activity.
Phonic Activities:
Username: march20 Password: home
Maths Activities:
Mathletics & Reading Eggs:
Topic Activities:
PE & Mindfulness Useful Website Links:
The website address is Parent email: Password: deanesfiel