
Deanesfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve... And Make A Difference!

Deanesfield Friends

Minutes of Friends AGM and Committee Meeting 7th November 2019

As children join our school, their parents and carers automatically become members of Deanesfield Friends. The aim of this committee is to raise funds that enhance the experience of school for all our pupils. We fundraise by hosting in-school events that can also serve to bring together our whole school community (parents,  staff and governors). 


In academic year 2018/19 we hosted the following events:


  • Christmas Cards fundraiser
  • Christmas Shop fundraiser
  • Easter Events:
    • Easter Egg Hunt (for children in Reception - Year 2)
    • Easter Disco (for children in Years 3 - 6)
    • Easter Raffle


Deanesfield Friends also supported the school by:

  • Providing refreshments to parents during both the upper and lower school Sports Day events;
  • Arranging a variety of creative activity stalls, a bouncy castle and providing a BBQ and refreshments for everyone at our 'Sunset Festival', our annual open school event.


From January 2019, we have a full committee and our Chairperson and Vice-Chair are both parents of pupils at the school. We advertise upcoming Friends meeting dates via the app and on the weekly Flyer newsletter, everyone is welcome to attend.


Please get in touch via the email address shown below or the school office if you can help out (even for a short while) at our fundraising events or if you would like to register your interest in supporting our committee at fundraising events on a regular basis. All offers of support are gratefully received. 

Deanesfield Friends Association - Constitution
