Weekly Bingo Tasks - NHS Week
Can you write an acrostatic poem to say thank you to the NHS? You could use the words THANK YOU or GRATITUDE as a writing frame.
It's important that we continue to look after one another after this. Write or record a pledge to your family or community.
Make a thank you poster, record a video or write a letter of gratitude to the NHS staff. Share this online with adult help.
Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear scrubs, blues or uniforms. Invent your own superhero. What qualities would they have? What would their superpower be?
Make a heart to show your love for the NHS and Key Workers. This could be made from salt dough, pebbles from the garden, bread or anything else you can think of.
Plan a fundraising event to raise money for the NHS. Why not share your idea with the teacher when you return to school?
Take part in the weekly ClapforourNHS ClapforourKeyWorkers to show your appreciation.
Use all that extra energy to do something different at home. You could make cakes and ice them with the words 'Thank You'.
Your daily exercise could be a walk close to home. Take photographs of everything that made you smile on your walk.
How has the NHS changed over time? What has been the impact of science and technology? Draw a 'Then and Now' picture. |
Rainbows are a sign of hope. Draw or paint a rainbow and display it in your window. Already have a rainbow? Get inventive and find a different way to produce this colourful symbol.
If you could send the NHS workers anything to make them smile, what would you send them? Draw a picture of the perfect gift.
Share a smile for our Key Workers. You could take a photograph and Tweet it (with adult help), or you could get creative and make your own smile using materials from around your home.
The NHS staff show kindness and spread happiness every day. Create a Kindness Jar by writing acts of kindness and popping them into the jar.
Create your very own story of joy in the role of a nurse, paramedic, doctor or other health professional. Present this in a mini story book or as a comic strip.
Make a Stay at Home, Protect the NHS, Save Lives poster. Display this next to the rainbow in your window.
Make a video or jingle about the importance of handwashing. Share this online with adult help as a friendly reminder to us all.
All NHS staff play a vital role in keeping us safe. Research each role and create fact files about each job. Which job would you like and why?
We can help to keep ourselves and others safe. Write a set of instructions for calling 999 or giving CPR.
Imagine a life without the NHS. What would it be like? Write a speech about life without the NHS.
In 2018, the NHS celebrated its 70th birthday. Create a timeline that shows how the NHS was developed.
Who was Florence Nightingale and why is she so important? Who was Aneurin Bevan and why is he so important? Create biographies about these significant people.
Do you know a local NHS or Key Worker? Create a biography or fact file about this important person.
There are many NHS facilities in our community. Identify them on a map and count how many are close by.
Interview somebody who has used the NHS. This could be somebody in your household or you could call a family member. What do they want to thank our NHS for? |