
Deanesfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve... And Make A Difference!

Week 12 - Week Beginning 29th June 2020

Year 2 Home Learning - Week 12 (29th - 3rd July 2020)

Here are a list of suggested activities to get you started in your home learning this week.

Our theme of the week: Celebrations!


  • Imagine you are in charge of hosting and planning the most fun, exciting and enjoyable party ever. Imagine your favourite book character will attend this party so you need to make it as imaginative and as creative as you can! Think about what you would want at your party. What would your guests enjoy? Where will it be? What will it look like? What will be the entertainment? How will you decorate it? Will there be a theme? Brainstorm and write your ideas down.
  • Write a letter of invitation to your favourite book character. Tell them why they should come to your party.
  • Design an invitation to your party.
  • Create your own party game and write a set of instructions on how to play it.
  • Write your own shopping list for the party using the list of items below and see how much each item will cost. Add the cost together.
  • Write a menu for the party and design it- Can you include food from all the different food groups?
  • Create and make your very own party hat using different materials. Think of the theme of your party and make your hat based on this theme.
  • Design your own party bag- What will you have in it and why?
  • Research famous celebrations that happen around the world and make a poster about the one that interests you most.
  • Research why the Queen has two birthdays and find out if there are any celebrations or parties held at Buckingham Palace. Present a fact file about this.
  • Write your very own song or poem about your favourite party or celebration.
  • Research the birthdays from people in your household- Order their birthdays in the order of the year and month they were born. Remember to include yourself.
  • Design your very own bouncy castle out of different materials- remember a bouncy castle has to be lightweight and waterproof. What materials might you use? Sketch a drawing of what this will look like and label the different materials you will use.
  • Create your own dance routine for the party.
  • Imagine you have a bouquet of 10 balloons. Each balloon must represent something about you. Draw 10 balloons and inside each of them write down something that represents you. For example, it might be something you enjoy doing or something you are good at or something that means a lot to you, things that make you happy and what makes you most proud.
  • Bake a cake for your party and record the measurements of the ingredients you used.
  • Create your own decorations for your party using different materials. For example, banners and wall decorations.


Computing home learning:

Hi Year 2,

This week I've been creating a quiz for you to see if you have been listening in your computing lessons this year! Have a go, and if there's something you're not sure of, why not look it up to learn more about it? You'll find the answers at the bottom, but do have a go before you check the answers. Most of all, have fun!

From Mrs Fraser

Religious Education (R.E.) home learning:

Hello Year 2!

This week in RE we are thinking about another Hindu celebration. Can you think of what it might be? It is called Diwali. Follow the BBC lessons to find out all about it.

Challenge: Can you make a puppet of Rama or Sita and use it to retell the story?

Have fun!

From Mrs Westall

Music home learning:

Do you know the instruments in the orchestra? Listen carefully to each instrument playing and see if you can guess which instrument makes that kind of sound. You might want to have a few goes and see if you can do better each time!

Mr Owen
