We have received the highly anticipated email confirming our Rights Respecting School Gold status and report. It states, 'It was evident during the follow up visit that children’s rights are embedded across the school and underpin every facet of school life. The report states the particular strengths of our school include:
We would like to congratulate all children, staff, governors on their commitment to the UNCRC and also thank those parents who have come on the journey with us through reading the articles included in the Friday Flyer and talking about the CRC at home.
We are the first school in Hillingdon to achieve gold status, which is a fantastic achievement!
The full report can be viewed below:
What is a Golden Charter?
The charter displayed above is the result of children and adults working together to discuss the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and agreeing those rights which we all felt the Charter should show.
Our Golden Charter aims to help us all understand that every child has rights that are unconditional. Children and adults work together to secure, uphold and protect children’s rights. We model rights respecting behaviour and use rights respecting language in everything we do.
“When we just had school rules, we didn’t know why and they meant nothing to us. Now we have charters, we understand that we have rights and how our behaviour can affect somebody else from having their rights. Our behaviour can affect other children”
What is the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child?
An international convention listing 54 Articles of rights, designed to prevent illness and neglect; provide education; protect from abuse and exploitation; and ensure children’s participation in decisions that affect them.
To find out more, please visit UNICEF’S website at:
“I now understand that everyone has rights not just me, and that has changed my behaviour in class for the better.”