Year 1 Home Learning - Week 7 (18th May- 22nd May 2020)
English Grid Activities
Read your favourite story or think about a story you have read recently. Write your own alternative ending for your favourite story. |
This week is Mental Health Awareness week and the theme is kindness.
Draw around your hand to make a ‘Friendship High Five'
Use these tricky words to write some amazing sentences. Draw a picture to go with them too.
Read ‘The Bear Who Came to Babysit’ and have a go at answering the questions.
Log onto Oxford Owl and choose a book to read. Write a book review to tell others all about the story.
Log onto
Explore all the different songs linked to the subject ‘English' Which is your favourite and why? |
Topic Grid Activities
Here are a few ideas of some fun things you can enjoy doing at home.
For art this week, have a go at completing one of the observe, draw, imagine worksheets available on the website (found in the 'Printable Resources' section at the bottom of this page). This is good practise for observational drawings. |
Have a listen to this free audio book.
It's all about friendship.
For Geography this week, have a go at finding out all about Europe.
Visit the Oak Academy website and complete the online lesson on Europe.
Have a go at this 5 minute work out with Joe Wicks.
Don’t forget Joe Wicks is also doing daily PE lesson suitable for all the family!
Investigating the past Do some research this week in to the past.
You can focus on a particular time in history for example WWI or WWII. Alternatively, you could look at a particular group of people or civilisation like the Egyptians or the Tudors. Remember to use child friendly search engine such as:
This week, complete a science investigation using the printable table found in the 'Printable Resources' section at the bottom of this page.
Find out all about different flowers and have a go at drawing them.
Computing home learning:
Hi Year 1,
Hope you are keeping safe and well at home. I've got a task for you this week, which involves finding as many different types of technology as you can. Look around your house and out and about as well on your walks. You could make a list or a poster to show what you found. Do you know what they are used for? Talk to someone at home about it.
Mrs Fraser
Religious Education (R.E.) home learning:
Hello Year 1!
This term in RE we looking at Special Books.
The Bible is the holy book for Christians. Who wrote it? What type of stories can be found in it?
Watch the video to find out the answers to these questions.
Could you think of 3 questions that you would like to ask me about the bible?
Mrs Westall
Music home learning:
Have a go at performing some rhythms at home using "FOUND SOUNDS". Watch this video for the full explanation:
Mr Owen