A Day in Nursery
We offer up to 30 hour sessions, a morning session as well as additional hours that can be purchased for those accessing the morning session.
The Nursery day (a three hour session) typically consists of:
- A warm welcome where children are greeted by there key worker for the start of the day. During this time, children develop their independent skills to self-register, explore the environment and spend quality time with their key worker.
- We then welcome all children to the start of the day that focuses on an aspect of learning. During this time, children build on their listening and attention skills, awareness of a listener and have opportunities to share their ideas and opinions.
- Children spend most of the session free flowing inside and outside the nursery environment. Children access our outdoor provision all year round. Activities are set up that are exciting and based on children’s interest promoting all areas of the EYFS Curriculum. All staff engage and interact with the children at their self-chosen activities, to provide new opportunities to learning.
- Children are encouraged to look after all resources and our environment. They help tidy up prior to the end of the session.
- Children gather together, in their key groups, to explore the learning for the session, have a story and say their goodbyes.
Children accessing up to 30 hours will have a similar day in the nursery but will stay for lunch, where they will have the option to bring in packed lunch or choose to pay for a school lunch in our school dining hall. This provision is supported by familiar adults known to them and during this time, the children build on their speaking and listening skills and helps them to become confident and independent.