Year 5 Home Learning - Week 6 (11th May - 15th May 2020)
Quiz Week - Weekly Bingo Tasks
Our online learning this week will be all about quizzes!
Can you write a quiz for your family to perform at the end of the week?
Writing |
Write an introduction to your quiz - advertising it to your family. Why would they want to come to your quiz? Will there be prizes? Get persuading! |
Write a diary of each day of the week, making note of how your quiz developed. At the end, interview the participants to see what they thought.
Reading |
Write a literature round of your quiz. |
Read a non-fiction book (from home or on Readings Eggs). Use some of the facts to write a General Knowledge round for your quiz. |
Spelling |
How many different homophones can you remember?
Make some flip cards with each homophone on the back to help learn them. |
Choose some tricky spellings for a Spelling round in your quiz. |
Maths |
Write a Maths round for your quiz. |
Imagine you could create your own TV show quiz - what would the format be? How much would everything cost?
Create a labelled dream TV studio with the cost of each item in it. |
Science |
Write a Science round for your quiz.
Go for a walk outside with an adult and make note of any signs of Spring. Can you see different signs on the trees or the wildlife? |
Topic (Geography & Art) |
Draw a map and label all the areas you know. It could be a world map, a local map, a map of England or even a a map of your house! |
Create a poster advertising your quiz. Think about the language you need to use to be super persuasive. |
P.E. |
Write a Sports round for your quiz. |
Create an obstacle course in your house or garden and time yourself completing it. Can anyone in your family beat your time? |
Host a quiz for your family at home or friends and family on a video platform. |
Create a 'Thankful Diary'. Every day, make a note of all the things you are thankful for in that day. |