Reception Home Learning - Week 1 (23rd March 2020)
Within this pack are some suggested learning activities for your child to complete at home. Below is a suggested timetable to support learning activities at home.
09:30 – 10:00: Phonic Activities 10:00 – 10:30: Free Choice 10:30 – 11:00: Maths Activities or English Activities 11:00 – 11:30: Free Choice 11:30 – 13:00: Lunch Time 13:00 – 13:30: Bingo Activity 13:30 – 14:00: Reading Eggs or Mathletics 14:00 – 14:30: Topic Activities 14:30 – 15:00: Read a storybook or do a jigsaw together with your grown up.
Phonic Activities:
Useful Phonic Website Links:
Maths Activities:
Useful Maths Website Links:
English Activities:
Useful English Website Links:
Mathletics & Reading Eggs:
Topic Activities:
PE & Mindfulness Useful Website Links:
Bingo Challenge Grid – How many boxes will you cross off?
Roll two dice and add the numbers together? What can you use to help you? |
Play the phase 3 Jolly Phonics song. Can you think of a word containing each of the sounds? |
Pick a number within 10. What is one more than your number? What is one less than your number? Can you try this again with other numbers? |
Finish this sentence.
The witch is… |
Tell your favourite toy your daily routine. What do you do in the morning, afternoon and evening? |
How can you order or sort your toys? E.g. size, colour, shape etc. |
Draw or write your top tips for washing your hands and keeping those germs away. |
he, she, we, me, be, my, was, they, her, all, are, you Rainbow write these tricky words using different coloured pens or pencils. |
Can you make up a story with these characters: a mouse, a frog and a robot? Tell the story to someone in your house. |
Collect different types of leaves. What is the same? What is different? |
Play the phase 2 Jolly Phonics song. Can you think of a word containing each of the sounds? |
Draw your favourite character from story book. How many wow words can you use to describe them? |
Finish this sentence.
The man had… |
Read one of your school books to someone in your house. Each time you read a tricky word say it in a monster voice. |
Represent numbers to 10 using objects from around your house. |
Collect some natural objects e.g. twigs, grass, leaves, flowers etc. Can you create an art piece using these? |