
Deanesfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve... And Make A Difference!

Week 1 - Week Beginning 23rd March 2020

Reception Home Learning - Week 1 (23rd March 2020)


Within this pack are some suggested learning activities for your child to complete at home. Below is a suggested timetable to support learning activities at home.




09:30 – 10:00: Phonic Activities

10:00 – 10:30: Free Choice

10:30 – 11:00: Maths Activities or English Activities

11:00 – 11:30: Free Choice  

11:30 – 13:00: Lunch Time

13:00 – 13:30: Bingo Activity

13:30 – 14:00: Reading Eggs or Mathletics

14:00 – 14:30: Topic Activities

14:30 – 15:00: Read a storybook or do a jigsaw together with your grown up.



Phonic Activities:

  • Work through the phase 2 and 3 phonic booklets, which can be found on the Reception Letters / Information page of the school website.
  • Listen to the phonic songs on YouTube (links below)
  • Practice writing and reading your tricky words.
  • Write silly sentences using your tricky words.
  • Choose a sound and write as many words that you can think of with that sound in.
  • Practice forming letters to develop fine motor.
  • Play phonic based games like: I spy, phonic snap, matching pairs.
  • Phonic bingo.
  • Access the phase 2 and 3 activities on Phonics Play website (see below for login details).


Useful Phonic Website Links:



Maths Activities:

  • Use different objects at home to make repeating patterns like we have been learning at school.
  • Practice number bonds to 10.
  • Ask your grown up to give you addition and subtraction number sentences up to 20.
  • Choose a number between 1 and 20 – how many different ways can you represent it?
  • Look around your home what different 2D and 3D shapes can you find?
  • Can you make a picture using 2D shapes.
  • Practice writing your numbers to 20 using fancy pens.
  • Play some number board games like snakes and ladders and ludo.
  • Number puzzles.
  • Use mathematical lanaguge linked to weighing by cooking and weighing ingredients – focus on heavy, light.
  • Can you measure and compare who the tallest person is in your family.
  • Pretend to play shop keepers – using language linked to money, adding different amounts and finding change from 20p.
  • Set up a little obstacle course and direct a member of your family around the room using simple language ie, forward two steps, turn left, etc.


Useful Maths Website Links:



English Activities:

  • Read regularly – your home reading books in your book bag, as well as any books you may have at home. Practice sounding out words. Ask lots of questions to see your child has understood the story.
  • We have been learning about traditional fairy tales – see if you have any at home and read them with a grown up.
  • Write, draw or act out a traditional tale, e.g. Little Red Riding Hood, Goldilocks, Billy Goats Gruff, Little Red Hen, Three Bears, and Three Little Pigs.
  • Choose your favourite setting or character, draw a picture and describe it using some WOW words.
  • We have been learning about instructions – can you write or draw a set of instructions on one of the following; how to make your favourite sandwich, how to wash your hands, how to draw a house, how to make cupcakes or how to brush your teeth.


Useful English Website Links:



Mathletics & Reading Eggs:

  • Usernames and passwords for both of these websites are found in the front of your child’s orange home challenge book.
  • Mathletics – complete any set activities from your class teacher, and explore the website. How many points will you score this week?
  • Reading Eggs – Continue to complete the lessons on your reading eggs account and try accessing the online library to read different stories.
  • Mathletics website:
  • Reading Eggs website:



Topic Activities:

  • Look outside to see signs of spring – do a still life drawing of your favourite flower, tree, animal or anything else you might see.
  • Have a walk in your garden – what minibeasts can you see?
  • Help your grown-ups at home to make a yummy lunch for your family – remember to wash your hands first.
  • We have learnt about the life cycle of a hen – can you draw and write about this in your challenge book?
  • We have learnt about maps and going on a journey – draw a map to show your route to school. How about your route to the park? Or your route to the shops?
  • Make up a song about keeping your hands clean and staying healthy.
  • Use junk modelling to make an animal that lives in the farm linked to the story ‘Little Red Hen’.




Bingo Challenge Grid – How many boxes will you cross off?


Roll two dice and add the numbers together? What can you use to help you?

Play the phase 3 Jolly Phonics song. Can you think of a word containing each of the sounds?

Pick a number within 10.

What is one more than your number? What is one less than your number?

Can you try this again with other numbers?

Finish this sentence.


The witch is…

Tell your favourite toy your daily routine. What do you do in the morning, afternoon and evening?

How can you order or sort your toys? E.g. size, colour, shape etc.

Draw or write your top tips for washing your hands and keeping those germs away.

he, she, we, me, be, my, was, they, her, all, are, you

Rainbow write these tricky words using different coloured pens or pencils.

Can you make up a story with these characters: a mouse, a frog and a robot? Tell the story to someone in your house.

Collect different types of leaves. What is the same? What is different?

Play the phase 2 Jolly Phonics song. Can you think of a word containing each of the sounds?

Draw your favourite character from story book. How many wow words can you use to describe them?

Finish this sentence.


The man had…

Read one of your school books to someone in your house. Each time you read a tricky word say it in a monster voice.

Represent numbers to 10 using objects from around your house.

Collect some natural objects e.g. twigs, grass, leaves, flowers etc. Can you create an art piece using these?
