Year 2 Home Learning - Week 9 (8th - 12th June 2020)
Here are a list of suggested activities to get you started in your home learning this week.
Our theme of the week: SPACE!
Computing home learning:
Hi Year 2!
This week I'd like you to create a jungle scene using the jungle background on jit5. Click on the link and select "Paint" (the blue icon). Choose the jungle background. You can choose a selection of animals to add to your picture to make it look interesting.
Have fun!
From Mrs Fraser
Religious Education (R.E.) home learning:
Hello Year 2!
This week in RE we are thinking about the Jewish celebration of Passover or Pesach. Find out more by watching the video.
This year every religion is having to celebrate in different ways because of the coronavirus. Follow the link to see what’s different
Think: Have you had to celebrate in different ways over the last few weeks?
Have fun!
From Mrs Westall
Music home learning:
Have a go at playing this tune (attached file) on the virtual piano!
The notes on the piano are labelled so follow the words on the sheet and play the note shown above the words. If you're finding it tricky, try singing along to help you remember the rhythm of the melody! If you have a real piano/keyboard/glockenspiel at home, try to use that as well.
Mr Owen