
Deanesfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve... And Make A Difference!

Week 8 - Week Beginning 1st June 2020

Year 2 Home Learning - Week 8 (1st - 5th June 2020)

Here are a list of suggested activities to get you started in your home learning this week.

Our theme of the week: ANIMALS!


  • Write an acrostic poem about your favourite animal.
  • Make an Origami animal.
  • Create a tally chart of how many different animals you see whilst on a walk and complete the bar graph below.
  • Make animal cards. Can you sort these animals into different groups, for example, mammals (have fur), reptiles, amphibians, birds, insects and fish.
  • Research an animal that is extinct or one that is becoming extinct. Create an information poster about this animal.
  • Imagine an animal knocked on your door with some balloons and a free ticket to your favourite place in the world. Write a story about where you and this animal went, which animal did you do with? Where did you go? Did you meet anyone along the way? How did you feel when you got to your favourite place? What did you do?
  • Sketch and draw a picture of your imaginary animal.
  • Make a special treat for your pet (real or imaginary) and write the recipe.
  • Create your own board game with the theme of animals.
  • Make a bug hotel or a habitat in an outdoor area. Can you spot any creatures or insects?

Computing home learning:

Hi year 2!

This week I would like you to think about where you would love to go right now if you could go anywhere. Then, using a computer, phone or tablet, visit and choose a background to use. Write a sentence to say what it would be like there. Watch the video I have made on youtube and have fun creating your own sentences!

From Mrs Fraser

Religious Education (R.E.) home learning:

Hello Year 2!

This term in RE we are looking at celebrations or Religious Festivals. Our Muslim friends have just celebrated Eid. This is a very special time for them. Watch the CBBC videos to find out more:

Challenge: Can you design a menu for a celebration. What food would you like to eat? Will there be a special cake? Make sure there is lots to choose from.

Have fun!

From Mrs Westall

Music home learning:

Have a go at performing some rhythms at home using "FOUND SOUNDS". Watch this video for the full explanation:

From Mr Owen
