Year 2 Home Learning - Week 8 (1st - 5th June 2020)
Here are a list of suggested activities to get you started in your home learning this week.
Our theme of the week: ANIMALS!
Computing home learning:
Hi year 2!
This week I would like you to think about where you would love to go right now if you could go anywhere. Then, using a computer, phone or tablet, visit and choose a background to use. Write a sentence to say what it would be like there. Watch the video I have made on youtube and have fun creating your own sentences!
From Mrs Fraser
Religious Education (R.E.) home learning:
Hello Year 2!
This term in RE we are looking at celebrations or Religious Festivals. Our Muslim friends have just celebrated Eid. This is a very special time for them. Watch the CBBC videos to find out more:
Challenge: Can you design a menu for a celebration. What food would you like to eat? Will there be a special cake? Make sure there is lots to choose from.
Have fun!
From Mrs Westall
Music home learning:
Have a go at performing some rhythms at home using "FOUND SOUNDS". Watch this video for the full explanation:
From Mr Owen