Useful Websites, Strategies & Resources
Mental Health & Emotional Well Being support for children, parents & carers.
Free Remote Counselling for 8 - 21 yr olds
This is a free remote (phone or online video) charity-funded counselling service called 'Stop Breathe Think.' The service offers counselling to all 8 - 21 year olds and responds to all referrals within 24hrs, with no waiting lists.
Students can self-refer in here:
Parents can refer their children in here:
Stop Breathe Think was launched in Nov 2020 in response to the pandemic and in just one year, 810 young people have received counselling support and they have delivered 4878 counselling sessions in total.
Stop Breathe Think
Self Care Plan
Just as we look after our physical health, it’s important to look after our mental health.
Self-care is all about what you can do to help yourself feel better or to keep yourself feeling good. It’s a way that we can look after our own mental health and wellbeing. It can help your body and mind to relax, drift away, or be more energised.
This self-care plan walks you through a series of steps, helping you create a simple self-care plan that works for you. It helps you identify activities that you can use to support your mental health.
Some of the suggested self-care activities include:
The resource was co-written by Anna Freud Centre experts and young people, who shared ideas on self-care strategies that work for them.
Zones of Regulation
Zones of Regulation is a range of activities to help your child develop skills in the area of self-regulation. Self-regulation can go by many names, such as self-control, self-management and impulse control. It is defined as the best state of alertness of both the body and emotions for the specific situation. For example, when your child plays in a basketball game, it is beneficial to have a higher state of alertness. However, that same state would not be appropriate in the library.
Wellbeing Toolkits for Children
Thrive have put together wellbeing toolkits to help support children with their mental wellbeing as follows:
How Are You Coping?
Coronavirus support for Adults, Parents & Carers, Young People. A collaboration of information and advice by Hillingdon Health & Care Partners.
Useful Websites
Mental Heath & Wellbeing Resource Hub - BBC Children in Need
NSPCC | The UK children's charity | NSPCC
YoungMinds | Mental Health Charity For Children And Young People | YoungMinds
Coronavirus: wellbeing activity ideas for families (
BBC - Headroom - Your Mental Health Toolkit
Wellbeing apps guide to support children | Internet Matters
Activities for Kids | Kids' Activities | Change4Life (
The Daily Mile at Home | The Daily Mile UK
Social Emotional Wellbeing #LearningAtHome Challenge | UNICEF North Macedonia
Health for Kids | A fun and interactive resource for learning about health
Tips and Strategies to Help Manage Emotions & Feelings
10 ways for parents to help their children cope with change
Going through change can be scary or challenging for children. These 10 top tips aimed may help provide a starting point for helping children struggling with a change in their life.
Stress Busters
Strategies to manage stress and worry:
Emotion Wheel
The emotion wheel can be used with children of all ages who are struggling to express their current feelings. By identifying an image they can convey their current feelings. Using the wheel regularly throughout the day will help children and young people see the changing nature of their feelings and can help reduce anxiety around feeling a certain way.
Mindfulness Calendar: Daily Five Minute Activities
This is a two-week calendar with daily mindfulness activity suggestions. The simple, short activities encourage children to focus on what’s around them to find a sense of calm.
How to explain anxiety to your child
A series of illustrations that can help you to explain to a child why anxiety can happen, when it can happen and what they can do if they do feel anxious:
Self-Care Kit
This self-care kit has lots of ideas and activities for self-care for children, including mindful colouring, laughing out loud, breathing exercises, an emotional check-in, ways to express thoughts, a self soothe box and more creative activities:
35 Healthy Coping Ways
This poster provide a range of ideas and skills to help children manage their emotions.
Mindfulness Activities
Mindfulness Activities for Children
Mindfulness Books for Children
5 Keys to Wellbeing
Through My Window
Life Skills Challenges
30 Day Lego Challenge