Year 3 Home Learning - Week 9 (8th - 12th June 2020)
Click the links for the English and Maths tasks each day. Watch the videos, make notes if you would like to and complete the activities underneath the videos. You can print out the activity sheets or write down your answers on paper or in your home learning journal. Have fun!
Don't forget, children can still use Mathletics, Reading Eggspress and Times Table Rockstars freely.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: White Rose Maths are now charging for their home learning resources. You are still able to follow the link to watch the videos from previous weeks. Maths this week is BBC Bitesize.
Reading |
English |
Maths |
Day 1 |
Read out loud to yourself or someone at home for 20 minutes.
Challenge: After reading, summarise what you have just read. |
Using Proofreading Skills
If you are unable to access this link, think about your editing skills. Choose something you have written over the past few weeks and follow these steps:
C - check for sense L - look for punctuation errors and correct U - Underline spelling errors and correct with a dictionary/google. C - chuck in new vocabulary (adjectives, adverbs) K - Keep your handwriting neat. |
Comparing three-digit numbers
If you are unable to access this link, use a dice or ask someone to give you some digits and create 2 three-digit numbers.
__ __ __ __ __ __ 2 3 7 4 8 1 Use our inequality symbols (< less than) and (> more than) and (= equal to) to compare the numbers. Do this with other numbers.
Challenge: What could you add to one number to make it equal to the other?
Day 2 |
Make a reading den (watch Mr Hull’s video on YouTube for some help) and sit inside reading your book. |
Their, they’re, there
If you are unable to access this link, write nine sentences using:
• Their in the first three sentences. • They're in the second three sentences. • There in your final three sentences.
Challenge: Can you think of some sentences that would use all three homophones? |
Order numbers up to 1000
If you are unable to access this link, roll a dice three times to create a 3 digit number then work out where that number should go on this number line. Continue with this activity until you are confident.
Challenge: Work out the answer to these calculations and put them in ascending and descending order.
1) 572 + 413 = 2) 999 - 111 = 3) 142 + 101 = 4) 561 - 220 = 5) 520 + 248 = 6) 649 - 533 = 7) 220 + 315 =
Day 3 |
After reading a section of your book, answer these questions:
1. How was the character feeling and why? 2. Why did that happens? 3. What will happen next? 4. What do you think of the character? Why? |
Bitesize Daily Book Club: Charlie Changes Into a Chicken by Sam Copeland
If you are unable to access this link, think about something that happened during half term. It may be something you cooked, a game you played or a film you watched. Retell what happened in 5 steps. You may just retell part of it, i.e. your favourite part of the film. Use time adverbials to help you, i.e. first, then and finally.
Challenge: when you are describing what happened, can you try and make the reader laugh? When you read it out, does it make you smile? I.e. secondly, mum squelched the flour and milk together. It sounded like a pig falling over in mud. SPLOSH! You could even draw a funny picture to show it.
Adding three-digit numbers
If you are unable to access this link, answer these questions using the column method. Remember to always add the ones column first, in case you need to carry a ten over to the tens column.
1) 232 + 415 = 2) 814 - 125 = 3) 592 + 224 = 4) 148 - 673 = 5) 95 + 329 =
Challenge: Find a pack of playing cards/uno cards. Turn over 3 cards and make a 3-digit number with them. Then, turn over another 3 cards to make a second 3-digit number. Add the numbers together! After, swap your numbers around to make a new sum. I.e. 279 changes to 927 or 792. |
Day 4 |
As you read, pick out a section of dialogue. Act this out with someone at home and get into the character.
Fact and opinion
If you are unable to access this link, research the difference between facts and opinions and answer the following questions: 1. What is a fact? Give an example. 2. What is an opinion? Give an example. 3. What does a fact need to be supported by? Then, find a reading material of your choice (book, news article, magazine etc.) and write down one fact and one opinion from the text.
Subtracting three-digit numbers
If you are unable to access this link, use the column method to do the following subtractions: 1. 451 – 218 = 2. 840 – 525 = 3. 472 – 238 = 4. 481 – 323 = 5. 690 – 526 =
Check your answers are correct by adding (as subtracting is the inverse/opposite of adding) e.g. you can check that 182 – 37 = 145 by doing the sum 145 + 37 = 182.e.g.
Day 5 |
Complete an activity on Reading Eggspress
Friday Challenge!
Using the picture in this link, create a short story or description including adjectives, interesting openers and co-ordinating conjunctions to link your points.
Friday Challenge! SHOPPING
Find 10 items in the house. Label each item with the prices below. Ask people to come to your shop and buy things. Can you tell them how much they will cost or how much change they will get from £800? Prices:
£125 £219 £177 £204 £136 £299 £168 £102 £165 £172
Topic |
Think about the different ways you can go on a journey. Choose a mode of transport and write a timeline of how it has developed through history. E.g when was the first car made? What did they use before cars? How have they changed?
Split your page into 4. Listen to 4 completely different pieces of music and in each square, draw a picture about how it makes you feel. Think about colours you may use e.g. yellow for happiness or red for anger.
Choose a mode of transport and use recycled items around the house to design and create your own version. It could be a futuristic version of a car or a boat and you can place it in the bath to see if it floats.
Science |
Recap the main bones in the body. Can you create a song e.g. heads, shoulders, knees and toes to remember them?
How do our bodies move?
Watch this video about the importance of a skeleton. Research and create a poster about the skeleton. What does it do? Think about these questions: How would you define a leaf? What are they for? What is their purpose?
Recap the main muscles in the body. Complete these tasks and explain which muscles you are using:
1. Kick a ball 2. Pick up a glass or cup from the table 3. Lie down on the floor and get up again.
Well-being and Exercise |
Do some yoga with some calming music on.
Run from one distance to the other (across a field or across the garden). Time yourself and then have another go. Can you beat your time?
Call or facetime one of your relatives or friends. Ask them how they are feeling and have a conversation about what they have been doing.
RE |
Hello Year 3! This week and next, we are looking at Christianity. Watch the BBC video to find out about Jerusalem which is seen as a place of pilgrimage for many Christians. Can you list four places that Nathan (the boy in the video) might choose to visit in Jersualem, say what he might learn by going there. What do you think Lara might tell him about the four places? Enjoy your learning! Mrs Westall
Hi Year 3! This week I would like you to use to investigate something. In our computing lessons, we have begun to look at using block coding to get characters to different places on the screen. (Remember beard man?). This is a similar concept, but this time you will be working with Elsa and Anna from Frozen. Click on the link, watch the video and see if you can give the right code to make the characters move and turn and go to different places on the screen. Enjoy! Mrs Fraser |
Music |
Have a go at playing this tune (attached file - Ode to Joy) on the virtual piano! If you have a real piano/keyboard/glockenspiel at home, try to use that as well.
Watch this video for the full explanation: Mr Owen