Year 3 Home Learning - Week 8 (1st - 5th June 2020)
Click the links for the English and Maths tasks each day. Watch the videos, make notes if you would like to and complete the activities underneath the videos. You can print out the activity sheets or write down your answers on paper or in your home learning journal. Have fun!
Don't forget, children can still use Mathletics, Reading Eggspress and Times Table Rockstars freely.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: White Rose Maths are now charging for their home learning resources. You are still able to follow the link to watch the video each day and you will now find the accompanying worksheet and answers in the 'Printable Resources' section at the bottom of this page.
Reading |
English |
Maths |
Day 1 |
Read out loud to yourself or someone at home for 20 minutes.
Challenge: After reading, predict what you think will happen next. |
Reading Lesson: ‘Dindy and the Elephant’ by Elizabeth Laird
If you are unable to access this link, read a part of your book out loud and get an adult to ask you some inference questions using these sentence stems: Why do you think... Why is the character... How did the character feel when... How do you know the character feels... |
Summer Term Week 3 - Lesson 4 Multiply and Divide by 3
If you are unable to access this link, try this activity:
Day 2 |
As you read, pick a descriptive word from the text, write it down and use a thesaurus to write down five synonyms and antonyms for that word. |
What is a recount?
If you are unable to access this link, write a recount using one of the following titles:
1. My life so far 2. How I found my hobby 3. My funniest memory Remember to write in first person and to use past tense!
Challenge: Can you include time adverbials, descriptive words and expanded noun phrases? |
Summer Term Week 4 Lesson 1 Multiplying and Dividing by 4 and 8
If you are unable to access this link, using pictorial representations or your times tables knowledge work out the missing numbers in these calculations: 1) __ ÷ 4 = 4 2) __ ÷ 4 = 12 3) __ ÷ 4 = 9 4) __ ÷ 4 = 6 5) __ ÷ 8 = 3 6) __ ÷ 8 = 7 7) __ ÷ 8 = 8
Challenge: Can you work out the fact family for these calculations: 1) 7 x 4 = __ 2) 4 x 8 = __ 2) 4 x 8 = __ 2) 4 x 8 = __ 2) 4 x 8 = __ |
Day 3 |
Complete an activity on Reading Eggspress. |
Using Similes and Metaphors
If you are unable to access this link, decide whether these sentences are similes or metaphors:
1. Mr Twit ate like a pig. 2. The giraffe was as tall as a tree. 3. The classroom was a zoo. 4. He was a fierce lion.
Challenge: Can you think of a metaphor and a simile to describe these 3 things? 1. Sun 2. Bunny 3. Mud (i.e. Clouds - Simile: The clouds are like soft cotton wool. Metaphor: The clouds are white balloons filling the sky.) .
Summer Term Week 4 Lesson 2 Multiply 2 Digits by 1 Digit
If you are unable to access this link, using your multiplication knowledge and the grid method, work out these calculations:
1. There are 15 biscuits in a tin. Miss Grist has 6 tins. How many biscuits does she have in total? ( 15 x 6 = )
2. Miss Hedges has 8 apple trees in her garden. Each tree has 14 apples in it. How many apples does she have altogether? ( 8 x 14 = )
3. Miss Simmons gives 3 stickers to her class of 28 children. How many stickers does she give out in total? (3 x 28 = )
Day 4 |
When you have read a page/chapter of your book, choose a key moment and act it out using your fabulous acting skills!
Writing a Diary Entry
If you are unable to access this link, write a diary entry about your favourite day at home. You can write this from your own point of view or you could create your own character/write from the point of view of someone in your family. Try to do the following in your entry: Start with ‘Dear diary’, write in the past tense, describe the places where events happened, describe how you are feeling or what you are thinking during each event, and use personal pronouns (I, me, my).
Summer Term Week 4 Lesson 3 Dividing a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number
If you are unable to access this link, have a go at the following questions, showing your working in different ways e.g. using a part-whole model, the bus stop method, or a place value grid: 1. 39 ÷ 3 = 2. 24 ÷ 2 = 3. 68 ÷ 2 = 4. 57 ÷ 3 = 5. 90 ÷ 5 = Example: e.g. £3 and 50p - £2 and 10p = £1 and 40p
Day 5 |
Write down or say out loud to someone what a character might be thinking or feeling at different stages of the story.
You could write it in speech bubbles or using inverted commas! |
Friday Challenge!
Using the picture in this link, create a short story or description including everything you have recapped this week.
Friday Challenge! Place Value Battle
Choose your opponent(s) and each player draws 3 horizontal lines next to each other on a piece of paper, as if you were going to write a three-digit number.
Take it in turns to roll a die and write the number it lands on onto your chosen place value line. The aim of the game is to be the player with the greatest three-digit number at the end of the game. Good luck!
Topic |
Geography Choose a place in the world for each of these habitats: - Rainforest - Desert - Mountains For each, research the following: - What animals live there? - What is the weather like? Does it rain often? - Do people live there? What do they eat? What language do they speak?
Research the artist Vanessa Bowman. Find two paintings by this artist of landscapes. Consider the landscapes and answer the following questions: - What do you notice about the paintings? - What similarities and differences are there between them? - Do you like the paintings or not? Make sure to give reasons why.
Think about different types of houses e.g. terraced houses, mansions, flats, bungalows.
Create a plan for building your own model of a house. Draw a sketch of your house (including a front view, a side view and a floor plan) and list the materials you would need to build your model.
Science |
Parts of the plant we eat:
We know that eating a variety of fruits and vegetables is good for us. But where do they come from? Fruits and vegetables are parts of plants, but they aren’t always the flower. Look at these fruits and vegetables and think about which part of the plant you think they are from. I.e. is the sprout the flower? The fruit/flower/leaf or roots? Try and find a fruit/vegetable that comes from each part of the plant and make a poster showing them. I.e. Apple – fruit. Broccoli – flower. Lettuce – leaves. Carrots - roots.
Comparing leaves:
Go outside and find 4 different leaves. Bring them inside and note how they are different and how they are similar. Think about their colour, shape, texture, size and smell. Can you look them up with your descriptions to see which leaf they are/which tree they belong to?
If you cannot go outside, research these leaves; (oak, sycamore, beech and birch) and do the same. Create a fact file on at least one of the leaves you have looked at. Think about these questions: How would you define a leaf? What are they for? What is their purpose?
Seed dispersal:
We know that plants grow after we plant a seed. They then need water, light etc to grow. But how do plants grow in areas that we do not plant seeds? For example, fields, parks etc? Seeds can be moved around/spread in a number of ways. Watch:
and describe the different ways seeds can be spread/dispersed. You can draw the ways they travel or explain them in sentences.
Well-being and Exercise |
Practise your keep-up skills. How many keep-ups can you do with a ball in one minute? Try and beat your score then challenge a family member to see if they can beat you.
Take a rainbow walk! When you are outside on a walk, run or bike ride, try and find something for each colour of the rainbow.
Follow this link to do rainbow yoga with Adriene:
RE |
Hello Year 3! This term in RE we are looking at religious journeys. Don’t forget this is called a pilgrimage. Last week we started thinking about Hinduism. Watch the BBC video about Hindu Pilgrimages -hinduism-pilgrimage-hinduism/z4ghf4j Don’t forget a pilgrimage is not a holiday. Can you sort these words into three lists or bubbles, one for pilgrims, one for tourists and one for both. Holiday / travel / journey / prayer / spiritual / swimming / worship / happy / food / once in a lifetime / ambition / hope / change / relax / challenge / fun / deep thoughts / River Ganges / Hindus / mountains. Enjoy your learning! Mrs Westall
Music |
Have a go at performing some rhythms at home using "FOUND SOUNDS". Watch this video for the full explanation: Mr Owen
Hi Year 3! This week I would like you to use to investigate something. You could choose to ask your family their favourite colours or favourite sports and create a bar chart. Watch the video and have a go yourself. Enjoy! Mrs Fraser |
Hi Year 3! It is competition time! First, we would like you to click on the YouTube link ( explaining the competition. Once you have watched the YouTube video, download the document with all of the competition information on it. You can choose any way to present your entry – make it creative! You need to create your artwork or writing and email it (or a photo of it) to with your full name and class as the email title. It must be no bigger than 50MB. Your class teacher will then submit your entry.
Deadline for submission to school: Friday 22nd May 2020.