Reception Home Learning - Week 12 (29th - 3rd July)
Hi Reception! This week we are learning all about space! We have got lots of exciting and fun space based home challenges for you to try! What new information will you learn about space this week?
Remember to email pictures of your space-themed work into so that we can see all of your creative and imaginative hard work! You might even spot some of your in the Friday Flyer!
We are really missing you and cannot wait to hear all about your week!
Bingo Challenge Grid – How many boxes will you cross off this week?
Rocket on a string - Make a simple cardboard tube rocket with a deflated balloon taped to it, thread a string through the tube and ask two people to hold either end. Then ask an adult to blow up the balloon and release it. How far will your rocket travel?
Watch 'Whatever Next'. Act out the story using a cardboard box, wellies, colander, some snacks and a little teddy bear. |
Create your own alien using 2d shapes. |
10 little aliens went flying one night until 6 flew away - how many are left? You could draw a picture or use a number line to help you work out the answer! Write the corresponding number sentence. Try again with a different amount of aliens flying away. |
Go outside when it is dark or look out the window and talk about what you can see. Can you count the stars? Can you find the moon? Does the sky change from one night to the next? |
Imagine that you have just met an alien. You must tell the alien all about yourself. Tell the alien about things which you like doing and things which you are good at.
1. Paint the front of one paper plate black. 2 Cut out the centre circle from the second paper plate and cover it with strips of silver foil. 3. Now create some space themed objects for your porthole! Using scissors, cut them out and use PVA glue to stick them towards the middle of the black plate.4. Spread PVA glue around the underside of the silver ring, then stick this down onto the black paper plate. |
Plan a tea party on the moon for the aliens. You could draw pictures of the food you want at the party. Think about what kind of food an alien might like - star biscuits, rocket jelly or moon cheese balls, the possibilities are endless! Why not try making one of your ideas and writing instructions for your recipe?
Watch 'Whatever Next'. Imagine that you are Baby Bear and you have just come back from your adventure from the moon. Answer these questions… What did it feel like under your feet? Did it look like Earth or was it different? What noises could you hear? What could you see? |
Draw 2 aliens Obb and Bob. Obb likes to eat fake words and Bob likes to eat real words. Read these words and give the words to the correct alien: zop, peem, night, quoom, year, top, blit, moon, car, forb, horn.
Put 8 aliens on 2 planets. How many different ways is there to do this? Draw pictures and write the matching number sentences.
Design your very own alien. How many eyes and legs will it have? What colour will it be? Label the different parts of your alien using WOW words e.g. huge, round eyes. |
Make 20 moon rocks by scrunching up tin foil. Pick up 2 handfuls of moon rocks and add the amounts together on a number line. Write the matching number sentences. | /cbeebies /radio/stargazing-meet-the-planets
Listen to Star Gazing on Cbeebies radio and write down your favourite facts that you have learnt about space. |
Make some different shaped bubble wands using sticks and pipe cleaners or straws. For the bubble mixture mix water and washing up liquid.
Make shooting star tricky words. Write the tricky word on the star and then each of the letters that make up the tricky word on each of the shoots. Tricky words: he, she, we, me, be, my, was, they, her, all, are, you
Suggested Structured Timetable: 09:30 – 10:00: Phonic Activity from the Bingo Grid or from ideas below. 10:00 – 10:30: Exercise Time 10:30 – 11:00: Free Time 11:00 – 11:30: Maths or English Activity from the Bingo Grid or from ideas below. 11:30 – 13:00: Lunch Time 13:00 – 13:30: Bingo Activity 13:30 – 14:00: Reading Eggs or Mathletics 14:00 – 14:30: Topic Activity from the Bingo Grid or from ideas below. 14:30 – 15:00: Read a storybook, complete a fun craft, or exercise activity.
Phonic / Writing Activities:
Username: march20 Password: home
Maths Activities:
10 – 8 = 15 – 6 = 17 – 9 = 12 – 3 = 9 – 9 = 11 – 7 =
Mathletics & Reading Eggs:
Topic Activities:
PE & Mindfulness Useful Website Links:
The website address is Parent email: Password: deanesfiel