Reception Home Learning - Week 3 (20th April - 24th April)
Hello Reception! We hope that you had a lovely Easter break and filled your days playing, resting and having fun with your families!
Below, there are many activities for your all to try this week as well as a suggested structured timetable. How many of the Bingo challenges will you be able to work through? There are also some extra activity ideas attached below the timetable if needed.
Your most important task for the week is to try to complete at least one of these kindness tasks:
We cannot wait to hear all about your week!
Bingo Challenge Grid – How many boxes will you cross off this week?
Share out 15 biscuits or grapes between your 3 favourite toys. How many does each toy get? Is it fair? Try it again with different amounts. |
Can you spell out any of the pictures? Can you underline any sounds made up of 2 or 3 letters?
Doubling! Collect 3 leaves or twigs outside. Find 3 more. How many do you have altogether? Try doubling all your numbers up to 10. |
Create a rainbow to brighten up everyone’s day and stick it on your front window for everyone to see. What will you use? Crayons, collage, pencils, felt tip pens. |
Singing practise! Practise singing some Nursery Rhymes or songs that you learnt with Mr Owen then put on a show for your family. |
There are 6 frogs on a log. One jumps into the pond. How many frogs are left on the log? Can you draw a picture to show the number of frogs? |
Write a sentence or story about a Prince and a monster. |
Lucky Dip! he, she, we, me, be, my, was, they, her, all, are, you Write each of these tricky words on a small piece of paper. Put them all in a box or bowl. Pick out one at time a say each word in a silly voice. |
Find something made of: wood, metal, plastic, fabric and card. Is it shiny? Is it hard or soft? Is it bendy? Is it transparent (see-through)? |
Show us your best moves! Search Just Dance on YouTube and copy the dance moves to your favourite song. |
Play the Phase 3 Jolly Phonics song. Can you write either: a made up alien word or a real word with each of the sounds? Then sort the real words and the fake words. |
Set up some skittles or empty plastic bottles. How many skittles do you have? Roll a ball and count how many you have knocked down. How many do you have left? Write a subtraction number sentence to match. |
Draw a picture of someone in your family. Write as many WOW words as you can to describe them. |
Playing Teacher! Sit all of your toys down quietly and read them a story. Make sure that they were listening by asking them questions about the story. |
Make up your very own Joe Wicks work out. Try to include star jumps, kangaroo jumps, marching on the spot or any other of your favourite exercises? |
Experiment! What happens when you add each of these to water?