
Deanesfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve... And Make A Difference!

Week 7 - Week Beginning 18th May 2020

Reception Home Learning - Week 7 (18th May - 22nd May)


Hi Reception! We hope you are having a great time completing all of your home learning activities and challenges that we have set. Be sure to watch our YouTube video each Monday  to support your home learning.


This week, we would like you to do as many acts of kindness as you can.

Here are some ideas:


Offer a hug to someone.

Help someone with something.

Play a game with someone who is bored.

Tidy someone else's things for them.

Say 'please' and 'thank you' at all times.

Record a video message for someone you know.


We are really missing you and cannot wait to hear all about your week!

Bingo Challenge Grid – How many boxes will you cross off this week?


Use 6 toy cars to play a subtraction game. Move the cars into a line on the carpet road. Then, put 1 of the cars into a cardboard box car park. How many cars are left on the road? Try it again taking away a different amount each time. Can you use the words ‘away’ and ‘left’?

Yes or No?

Has a fox got six legs?

Has a cat got a web?

Is a lemon red?

Can a duck quack? Are fish and chips food?

Is it dark at night?

Will six cows fit in a car?

Look at the different objects. Can you name which 3D shapes they are? Which shapes do you think will roll down the ramp? Test the shapes by placing them at the top of the ramp. Which shapes rolled?


Write a sentence to describe each of  these pictures.


Draw a number line to 20 using chalk outside or on the back of a long piece of wrapping paper. Choose a number from the number line. Find the number that is one more than your chosen number and perform that many jumps, as quickly as you can, try again with one less! 

Watch this video about minibeasts. What did you learn from this video? Can you write down some facts?




Caterpillar Printing!

What will you use?

Write each of these words on pieces of paper or paper plates: he, she, we, me, be, my, was, they, her, all, are, you

Throw a ball and read out the tricky words on the paper or plate it lands on.

Ask your adult if you can borrow their phone or use a tablet to video the minibeasts that you can find in your garden or local park.


Can you tell us some information about the minibeasts you have found?​​​​​​

Making Moon Sand... 

Combine 8 cups of all purpose flour and 1 cup of oil. Mix well. Time to play and create!


Can you read the diagraphs and triagraphs on this page and think of a word which includes each of the sounds?


Using a large container of water or your bath, fill up a plastic bottle to these different volumes: full, nearly full, half empty, nearly empty and empty.  

Finish these sentences:


Can you use WOW words or extend your sentence using the word and?


I can see...

The happy fish...

The dog has...

The boy is at the ...

Ball skills: 


- Can you practise kicking the ball?

- Can you practise rolling the ball?

 - Can you practise throwing the ball?

 - Can you practise catching the ball?

 - Can you practise bouncing the ball?

It is time for the teddy bears to go to bed. Can you put them to bed on 2 pillows? How many teddy bears are on each pillow? How many teddy bears are there altogether? Can you find another way to put the toys on the pillows? Write a number sentence to match each number bond.

Dear Diary!


Write a sentence in your diary each day to explain what you have done. Remember to use finger spaces, a capital letter at the start of your sentence and a full stop at the end.


Suggested Structured Timetable:

09:30 – 10:00: Phonic Activity from the Bingo Grid or from ideas below.

10:00 – 10:30: Exercise Time

10:30 – 11:00: Free Time

11:00 – 11:30: Maths or English Activity from the Bingo Grid or from ideas below.

11:30 – 13:00: Lunch Time

13:00 – 13:30: Bingo Activity

13:30 – 14:00: Reading Eggs or Mathletics

14:00 – 14:30: Topic Activity from the Bingo Grid or from ideas below.

14:30 – 15:00: Read a storybook, complete a fun craft, or exercise activity.



Phonic Activities:

  • Listen to the phase 2 and 3 jolly phonics songs on YouTube.

  • Write a word containing each of the sounds.
  • Watch Phase 2 Tricky Words:

  • Watch Phase 3 Tricky Words:

  • I, to, into, the, go, no, he, she, we, me, be, my, was, they, her, all, are, you. 

Write your tricky words on small pieces of paper and spread them out around your room or garden. When your adults says one of the tricky words, find it as quickly as you can and hold it up.

  • Read your favourite story and then act it out with your toys.
  • Then write some sentences to describe the main character in the story. How many WOW words can you include?
  • Write a story all about your favourite animal.
  • Play phase 2 or 3 game on Phonics Play :     

Username: march20 Password: home



Maths Activities:

  • Write the numbers 1, 2 and 3 on separate pieces of paper and lay them out on the floor. Throw an object onto two of the numbers and add them together. Try again with different numbers.
  • Roll 1 or 2 dice and count the number of dots that they land on. Make a pile of objects that is one more and another that is one less than the number shown. You could use cereal, Lego or grapes.
  • Make some shape cards and put them around the room. Listen to your adult's instructions:e.g. find the shape that has 3 sides, find the shape that has no corners and one curved side etc.
  • Set up four plates of food for four toys. Each of the plates should have a different number of food items, odd and even. How much food is there on the plate? Do you think this is an odd or an even number? There is one piece left over. Does this make the number odd or even?
  • Write the numbers 0 - 20 on small pieces of paper and spread them out on the floor. How quickly can you put them in order?
  • Write the numbers 0 - 10 on small pieces of paper to make a lucky dip. Pick 2 numbers and add them together using objects or a number line for support.
  • Solve these number sentences by hopping back on a number line. You can make your number line using chalk on the floor outside or on the back of long pieces of wrapping paper:

10 - 6 =     6 - 3 =     7 - 2 =     11 - 5 =     15 - 7 =     17 - 7 =     10 - 10 =     2 - 0 =     19 - 2 =

  • Top Marks Maths Games:



Mathletics & Reading Eggs:

  • Usernames and passwords for both of these websites are found in the front of your child’s orange home challenge book.
  • Mathletics – complete any set activities from your class teacher, and explore the website. How many points will you score this week?
  • Reading Eggs – Continue to complete the lessons on your reading eggs account and try accessing the online library to read different stories.
  • Mathletics website:
  • Reading Eggs website:



Topic Activities:

  • 1 Minute Challenge! How many _____ can you name in a minute?
    • Animals
    • Fruits
    • Countries
    • Sports
    • Books
  • Using a flower take apart the different parts and name the:
    • Petals
    • Stem
    • Leaves
  • Practise learning a new skill. This could be folding clothes, doing up buttons, zipping up a hooded top or making your bed.
  • Find objects around your house that are made from these materials: wood, plastic, fabric, metal, paper.
  • Draw your very own minibeast. How many legs will it have? Will it have wings? What colour will it be?



PE & Mindfulness Useful Website Links:

  • Joe Wicks YouTube channel: Complete his daily children’s home work outs at 9.30am each day.


  • Joe Wicks 5 min kid's workouts:



  • Create an obstacle course for you to complete.


  • How many different ways can you think of to move around your room or garden?
    • Crawl
    • Skip
    • Hop
    • Jump
    • Spin


  • Real PE: 

The website address is

Parent email:  

Password: deanesfiel


