Our School ‘Piota for Schools’ app is our method of communication to all parents/carers of children within our school. It is designed to keep you informed about your child’s education and life in general at school.
We post school news, events, letters home and other key information as well as use it to send important messages and general reminders, giving parents/carers quick and easy access to the information required.
To download the app, simply search for “Piota Schools” in the Apple App Store/Google Play on your phone or tablet and install the app. You will then need to type our school name (Deanesfield Primary School) into the search box to open our app and then select the groups (whole school, year group, class etc) you wish to receive information about on the ‘Settings’ page.
Please ensure you leave the ‘Urgent’ alerts switched on as this is for important messages to the whole school.