Year 5 Home Learning - Week 7 (15th May - 22nd May 2020)
Year 5 - Weekly Bingo Tasks
Writing |
Write a narrative about anything you like!
You could write a small part every day this week. |
Write a blog about all the things you have been doing to keep occupied this week.
Reading |
Imagine you were interviewing the author of a book.
What questions would you ask? |
Read a fiction book (from home or on Readings Eggs).
Write down 5 new words you learnt from it. |
Spelling |
Play hangman with a family member with your Year 5/6 words. |
Choose 20 of the Year 5 words and write a crazy story using them. |
Maths |
Create a giant 100 square with the numbers 1 - 100.
Colour in all of the:
Prime numbers Square numbers Different times tables |
Create a Maths dictionary with some Year 5 Maths vocabulary. |
Science |
Space Observations.
Look outside your bedroom window each night and make a note of all the different stars you see.
What shape is the moon? |
Topic (Geography & Art) |
Write a timeline of all the important British History events that have happened in your lifetime, e.g. prime ministers, Royal weddings etc. |
Can you create a musical instrument?
Use items from your house and make some sounds! |
P.E. |
Choose your favourite Joe Wicks exercises and practise them.
Can you teach them to a family member?
Remember to make sure they warm up before they start and cool down when they have finished. |
Make your own sport or game and teach a family member how to play. |
Create a 'Be Kind' plan.
Choose one act of kindness for every day this week.
Don't tell anyone in your family you are doing it and see if they notice the acts! |
Spend some time writing a list of everything you are thankful for. |