Introducing our 'Pre-loved' Uniform Shop & Sales
We are excited to announce that Deanesfield Primary School will start holding termly 'Pre-loved' School Uniform Sales. This will give our families the opportunity to purchase items of school uniform greatly reduced from retail prices as well as providing an eco-friendly way to discard of items of uniform that are still in good condition and in turn, helping to reduce our carbon footprint!
Suggested Contributions
Items will not be individually priced but instead, we are asking for a small contribution towards the items with the suggested amounts as shown below:
Deanesfield logo V-neck jumper or cardigan | £3.00 |
Grey trousers / grey shorts / knee length grey skirt / grey pinafore dress | £2.00 |
Checked green summer dress | £2.00 |
Black tracksuit bottoms / black tracksuit top | £1.00 |
White shirt with closed collar or polo shirt | £0.50 |
Black PE shorts | £0.50 |
All items will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis and all funding raised will be used towards enhancing the children's curriculum experiences. Look out for further information on dates of sales on our school app. Please note, there will be no 'trying on' facilities.
Should you wish to purchase any items between the dates of the sales, please check our stock list below and e-mail the school via to request the item(s). A payment item will be made available on ParentPay for you to make your contribution and the item(s) can be collected from the school office or sent home with your child.
If the item you require is not in stock, please contact the school office and we will alert you if and when we receive the sufficient donated uniform.
Stocked Items (coming soon)
Uniform Donations
To help run this service successfully, we will be grateful to receive donations of any items of school uniform (i.e. school logoed jumpers / cardigans, trousers, skirts, summer dresses etc) that your child has outgrown and is still in a good condition that can go on to benefit other families.
If you can donate any of these items, please wash/clean them and drop them off to our main reception.
Please note that as the school cannot store LOST PROPRTY for long periods of time, please be advised that all unclaimed items will either be disposed of or reallocated to our stock of pre-loved uniform at the end of each half term.