
Deanesfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve... And Make A Difference!

Easter Activities (6th - 17th April 2020)

Year 2 Home Learning - Easter Activities 

(6th April - 17th April)



Over Easter you need to make sure you take a break and do lots of things that you enjoy doing. Here are a few ideas of some fun things you can do at home! Enjoy!


Create your own Easter egg hunt by drawing or decorating egg shells for your family to find.

Write a song about Easter to sing to your family!

Create your own Easter board game to play with your family.

Find or write your own Easter joke to make your family laugh!

Bake an Easter treat with your family.

Write your own Easter Bunny adventure story!

Make your own Easter decoration.

Make an Easter card for your family. Can you write an Easter poem inside?

Can you create your own Spring/Easter inspired miniature world on a plate? Be as creative as you can!

