
Deanesfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve... And Make A Difference!

Hillingdon SEND Provision

Hillingdon SEND local offer


Our local offer provides information for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their parents/carers. It allows families to see what they can expect from a range of local agencies and how to access them.

Hillingdon Ordinarily Available Provosion

Specialist resource provision (SRP)

Hillingdon has developed a number of specialist resource provisions in primary and secondary maintained schools and academies, where children and young people attend a mainstream school or academy and have access to additional benefits, such as smaller groups, specialist teachers and teaching assistants, a range of dedicated additional therapy options and a specialist space for individual or small group work.


Primary need

Primary SRP

Secondary SRP

Autistic Spectrum Disorder








Cherry Lane Primary SRP

Hayes Park School SRP

Lake Farm Park Primary SRP

St Martin's CE Primary SRP




Oak Wood SRP








Hearing Impairment

Glebe Primary SRP

Vyners SRP

Physical Disabilities




Coteford Infant School SRP

Coteford Junior School SRP



Harlington School SRP
(and sensory needs)


Speech, language and communication needs


Deanesfield Primary School SRP

Pinkwell Primary SRP

Northwood SRP



Types of school places for children with SEND - Hillingdon Council

Hillingdon Resource Pack for Parents/Carers 2021-2022
