
Deanesfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve... And Make A Difference!

School Meal Price Increase from Summer Term 2018

Dear Parents and Carers,

After many years of the price remaining unchanged, there will be a 5p increase to the school meal charge from Summer Term 2018. This will mean that the cost of a school meal will be £2.15 effective from 16 April 2018.

As a cashless school we use ParentPay a secure on-line system for you to pay for meals and school enrichment activities. Please ensure that your child’ account is kept in credit for school lunches, as meals must be paid for in advance. If you wish to use ParentPay and currently do not have login details, please request this from the school office. Alternatively, you can request a bar coded letter from the school office (check this with YH).

To check if you are entitled to claim Pupil Premium and therefore free school meals for your child, please use the LGFL on-line eligibility checker.


