
Deanesfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve... And Make A Difference!

Week 13 - Week Beginning 6th July 2020

Year 2 Home Learning - Week 13 (6th - 10th July 2020)

Here are a list of suggested activities to get you started in your home learning this week.

Our theme of the week: DISNEY!


  • Retell the story/plot of one of your favourite Disney films.
  • Write a character description for either Mickey Mouse or Minnie Mouse. Remember to use interesting adjectives and full sentences.

  • What interesting facts can you find out about Walt Disney? Write your own fact file about Walt Disney.

  • What is a Cartoonist? Have a go at drawing a Disney character using the style of a cartoonist.
  • Draw a timeline to show when Walt Disney’s films were made.
  • Create a new character who can join the toys of Toy Story. Write a short story of how your character meets Woody and Buzz.
  • Disney Arts and Crafts:

  • Draw a treasure map for Neverland (Peter Pan) and write directions of how to get to the treasure (forward, back, left and right).
  • Practise your 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables. Can you create a poster for each of the times tables to help you to learn them. (1 x 2 = 2, 2 x 2 = 4, 2 x 3 = 6)

  • In Hercules, all the Greek gods live on Mount Olympus. How are mountains made? What/where, is the highest mountain?
  • Create an animal from Jungle Book using whatever resources you have available (playdough, card, paints, colouring pencils).
  • Draw a comic strip for what could happen next in the story of Disney’s Inside Out.

  • Act out a scene or plot of your favourite Disney film. Can anyone guess what film you are acting out?


Computing home learning:

Hi children!

Here's your computing challenge this week. You will need to use arrows to give the monkey directions to collect the treasure. Have fun!

From Mrs Fraser

Religious Education (R.E.) home learning:

Hello Year 2!

Last week in RE we thought about the Hindu celebration of Diwali. It is also known as the festival of lights. Watch the video to find out more.

Challenge: Can you design firework display picture that’s full of colour and light. Use paints if you have them.

Have fun!

From Mrs Westall

Music home learning:

Do you know the instruments in the orchestra? Listen carefully to each instrument playing and see if you can guess which instrument makes that kind of sound. You might want to have a few goes and see if you can do better each time!

Mr Owen
