
Deanesfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve... And Make A Difference!

Weduc - Whole School Communication App

Weduc Smart Communication

Download our Weduc Parent App now!


Here at Deanesfield, we are always looking for ways to improve communications with our parents and with new technology constantly being released, it's important that we provide you with the most effective, yet simple to use tools available.


We are delighted to have launched Weduc - our digital communications tool specifically designed for parent and school staff communications.


Receive alerts and keep updated with the latest School news, trips, learning activities, important announcements, key dates and events, and much more!


Key features of the app include:

  • Newsfeed – social media style newsfeed
  • Messaging – in app messaging and emails
  • Calendar – school events
  • Digital Library - a 'one stop shop' to view letters, pictures of events, weekly newsletter etc
  • Noticeboard – designated area for important information
  • Parent Portal – see information about your child, report absences etc
  • Digital Forms – data collecting, surveys
  • The Hub – one location for everything, ParentPay, Website etc
  • Absence Management – report absences, upload medical letters etc


How to log into Weduc:


  • By downloading the app onto your smart phone or tablet. You can download Weduc from the App Store or Google Play.



You will be receiving an enrolment message, and both priority one and two contacts with parental responsibility will be provided with an enrolment code, plus instructions on how to download the app.


If you haven't already received your enrolment message, please contact the school office via
