
Deanesfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve... And Make A Difference!

Easter Activities (6th - 17th April 2020)

Year 4 Home Learning - Easter Activities 

(6th April - 17th April)



Over Easter, it is important for you to take a break and recharge. However, if you do find some time to do some Easter activities, here are a few suggestions to help you get creative!


Create an Easter bonnet!




Create an Easter egg hunt by drawing or creating your own eggs for your family to find! Can you write clues or riddles to guide them?


Can you do some Easter baking or biscuit decorating?










Write a story based on Easter!

Write your own Easter joke to share with your family! Can you all write one and decide on the joke that was most ‘cracking’?



Over the last few weeks, we have looked at the Easter story. Can you create an acrostic poem using the word EASTER? Think about the symbols Christians use and how Easter is celebrated. - Mrs Westall


Create some Easter Maths word problems for your family or yourself to solve!



Make an Easter craft or decoration!


In addition, the previous learning grids can be found at the bottom of the main page (with a star), if you would like to continue with any previous tasks.
