
Deanesfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve... And Make A Difference!

Week 7 - Week Beginning 18th May 2020

Year 3 Home Learning - Week 7 (18th May - 22nd May 2020)

Click the links for the English and Maths tasks each day. Watch the videos, make notes if you would like to and complete the activities underneath the videos. You can print out the activity sheets or write down your answers on paper or in your home learning journal. Have fun!


Don't forget, children can still use Mathletics, Reading Eggspress and Times Table Rockstars freely.


IMPORTANT NOTICE: White Rose Maths are now charging for their home learning resources. You are still able to follow the link to watch the video each day and you will now find the accompanying worksheet and answers in the 'Printable Resources' section at the bottom of this page.






Day 1

Read out loud to yourself

or someone at home for

20 minutes.


Challenge: After each page or chapter can you summarise to an adult what you have just read.

Reading Lesson:

‘The Worst Witch’

by Jill Murphy



If you are unable to access this link, read a part of your book out loud and get an adult to ask you some questions about unknown words.

Challenge: What do you think of one of the characters in the story? What evidence from the text can you use to describe that character?



Summer Term Week 2 - Lesson 2

Subtract Fractions



If you are unable to access this link, use bar models to subtract and show this in fraction form, e.g.

Once you feel comfortable with lots of examples of this, move onto subtracting without the bar model to help you e.g.


Day 2

As you are reading 'find 10 words' see if you can think of two words that rhyme with each of them.

E.g. munch - crunch

Using apostrophes to show possession



If you are unable to access this link, put these examples into sentences making sure you have put the possessive apostrophe in the correct place:

1. Alfies computer

2. Evies pokemon cards

3. Harrys guitar

4. Miss Grists gel pens

5. Izzies V-bucks

6. The books belong to Max


Challenge: Find 5 objects around your house that belong to someone and write a sentence about them using the possessive apostrophe. E.g. Miss Grist's bag was sat in the cupboard slowly gathering dust.

Summer Term Week 3 Lesson 1

Convert Pounds to Pence



If you are unable to access this link, convert the following into pounds and pence. E.g. 151p = £1 and 51p:

1. 485p

2. 284p

3. 385p

4. 999p

5. 274p

6. 845p

7. 1045p


Now convert the following into pence E.g. £6 and 57p = 657p:

1.  £6 and 31p

2. £2 and 56p

3. £9 and 21p

4. £8 and 36p

5. £1 and 99p

6. £10 and 35p


Challenge: What is the fewest number of coins you can use to make the following:

1. 315p

2. 247p

3. 110p

4. 480p

5. 79p


Day 3

Complete an activity on Reading Eggspress.

Using inverted commas to show speech



If you are unable to access this link, choose two characters from your book and write a conversation between them. You can make it as funny as you like. Remember to include your speech sandwich:

"Hello," stated Mark.

"What's your name?" asked Ayoube.


Summer Term Week 3 Lesson 2

Add Money



If you are unable to access this


a) £3 and 12p + £5 and 12p = ____

b) £3 and 30p + £5 and 30p = ____

c) £3 and 50p + £5 and 50p = ____

d) £4 and 50p + £5 and 50p = ____

e) £2 and 20p + £2 and 80p = ____


Challenge: If you had £6 to spend, how many different selections of these items could you buy?

You can but each item more than once!

A yoyo for £3 and 49p,

A pair of socks for £2 and 50p

A chocolate bar for £1 and 35p

A ruler for 99p.


Day 4

Choose a character from the story you are reading and create a profile of them.

E.g. Age, job, height, likes, dislikes, favourite colour, what they act like.


Expanded Noun Phrases



If you are unable to access this link, look out of your window or around the house and create 10 expanded noun phrases. A noun phrase is a simple phrase about a noun (place, thing or person) such as 'a castle' or 'the beach'. An expanded noun phrase adds more detail by including one or more adjectives e.g. the huge tree, the sandy beach, or the tall, royal castle.


Challenge: Describe your house or garden in a paragraph, using as many expanded noun phrases as you can.


Summer Term Week 3 Lesson 3

Subtract Money



If you are unable to access this link, get a selection of coins (or create your own using paper). Work out the total amount of money that you have. Then randomly take away different coins and work out what you have left. Repeat this with different coins. Write each subtraction as a number sentence e.g.

£3 and 50p - £2 and 10p = £1 and 40p




Day 5

Now that you have read each day during the week, draw a timeline of the events that have happened in your story.


You can draw pictures to help you and sentences to add more detail.

Friday Challenge!


Using the picture in this link, create a short story or

description including

everything you have

recapped this week.


Friday Challenge!


Summer Term Week 2 Lesson 3 & 4

Problem Solving



Use your reasoning skills to have a go at these activities!





Using a pen or pencil, draw round lots of different objects you can find. Try to use different shapes and let them overlap each other randomly. Then, using bright colours, colour in each section like your very own mindfulness colouring.


Time Zones



Follow this link and learn all about the time zones around the world.


Complete the fun activities after the video.




Texture is the feel or appearance of something.


Outside all around you are different materials and textures. With a piece of paper and a colouring pencil or crayon, go outside and place the paper against any object that has an interesting or different texture. Rub the pencil over the paper and the pattern should appear.

Do that with lots of different materials and you will create your own texture masterpiece!



Plant Watch!


Have a look at some of the plants in your garden or on your walk. What is different about them and what is the same? Draw and label each part of the plants you see and see if you can research the name of it using the internet.




Research what a pollinator is and explain why bees are so important.


Create a poster you can put in your window to tell everyone how important bees are and what we can do to save them!




Do some research on natural and artificial light. Here is a video that might help you:



Create a poster about light sources. On one half, show natural light sources (list them and draw pictures) and do the same on the other half with artificial light sources.




Mental Health Awareness

Celebrate Being Amazing!

Draw a picture of yourself in the middle of a page and write down everything that makes you amazing by following these sentence stems:

I am a good friend because...

I am proud of myself when...

I am thoughtful because...

I am a good family member because...

I am a good citizen because...

I am really good at...

I am a good team ember because...

My special talent is...

I am unique because...

I feel happiest when...

Decorate it and put it up somewhere you will see every day.

Make sure you remember just how amazing you are!!  ​



Hello Year 3!

This term in RE we are looking at religious journeys. Don’t forget this is called a pilgrimage.

Last week, we thought about Buddhism - I hope you have had the chance to listen to me telling the story of the Monkey King on our Deanesfield YouTube Chhannel.

This week and next, we are looking at Hinduism. Use the BBC lesson to help you find out about this religion. There are a couple of videos and a quiz.


Mrs Westall



Have a go at performing some rhythms at home using "FOUND SOUNDS". Watch this video for the full explanation:

Mr Owen



Hi Year 3!

For your computing task this wee, I would like you to have a go at creating a self-portrait using the shapes on Microsoft Word.

Include as much detail as you can to try and make it look like you.

See the video on our YouTube Channel to go with the task.


Mrs Fraser



Hi Year 3! It is competition time! First, we would like you to click on the YouTube link ( explaining the competition. Once you have watched the YouTube video, download the document with all of the competition information on it. You can choose any way to present your entry – make it creative! You need to create your artwork or writing and email it (or a photo of it) to with your full name and class as the email title. It must be no bigger than 50MB. Your class teacher will then submit your entry. 

Deadline for submission to school: Friday 22nd May 2020.
