
Deanesfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve... And Make A Difference!

Weeks 1 - 2 (23rd March - 3rd April 2020)

Year 1 Home Learning - Weeks 1 & 2 (23rd March - 3rd April)


Whilst you are at home, why don’t you try some of these fantastic activities focusing on our learning about the weather?

  • Writing a non-fiction informative page/book about weather
  • Writing a weather poem (e.g. shape, acrostic, rhyming, riddle)
  • Keeping a weather diary and recording your findings in a tally chart or table. Can you create a pictogram?
  • Writing and acting outyour own weather report for your family. You could create a map of the UK as your own green screen!
  • Comparing the temperatures and different types of weather in different countries
  • Making your own instruments to sound like the weather - create a song that you can teach to your family!
  • Create your own weather game (e.g. Snap, board games etc.)
  • Making a wind sock or even using an old plastic bottle to measure water levels
  • Can you write instructions for how to make your instrument or wind sock?
  • Designing clothes for hot or cold weather
  • Finding out about animals and the weather they are most suited to
  • Can you sort these animals into different groups and label their features?
  • Finding out how weather affects the food that we eat - you could design your own healthy meal and create your own recipes!
  • Writing a story (e.g. ‘The Thunder Cloud’)
  • Finding out about how weather changes in each season - can you create a piece of art inspired by this?
  • Finding out about weather around the world
  • Create a piece of art inspired by the weather around you. Can you use shade and tone?
  • Experiment with hot and cold colours to show different weather.



For your Computing work this week, please can you create a poster on things you enjoy doing online or using a computer, phone or tablet?

CHALLENGE: Can you name one thing you need to be careful about when using the internet?


Religious Education (R.E.) home learning:

Muslims go to the Mosque to worship. It is a very special place for them. Can you draw a picture of a place that is special to you?


Remember you can access Reading Eggs and Mathletics in the usual way!

Log on to and use the login march20 and password home and play your favourite games.


Have a go at practising your handwriting in your orange books or on a piece of paper. You could use different coloured pencils to make rainbow letters and words! The letter formation is in your personal organisers.
