
Deanesfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve... And Make A Difference!

Reception Exceptional Home Learning

Reception Home Learning - Week 14 (13th - 17th July)


Hi Reception! This week we are going to celebrate your time in Reception and look forward to your transition into Year 1.


Remember to email pictures of your work into so that we can see all of your creative and imaginative hard work! You might even spot some of your in the Friday Flyer!


We are really missing you and cannot wait to hear all about your week!

Video Messages from your Teachers!


Click on the links below to go to our Deanesfield YouTube channel, where you can see weekly videos from your teachers, as well as exciting activities and challenges from school staff that you can try whilst you're at home.


Don't forget, you can subscribe to channel to get alerts whenever new videos are uploaded.

Reception Home Learning Introduction & Goodbyes! (W.B. 13/7/20)

Bingo Challenge Grid – How many boxes will you cross off this week?

What has been your favourite moment from your time in Reception?


Draw a picture and a caption to explain.


Make some sock puppets to act out your favourite story that we have read this year.


Is it Tiddler?

The Rainbow Fish? Little Red Riding Hood? Or maybe Supertato?

Make a collection of small objects that are 3d shapes, such as a small ball, a toy building brick, a dice and a glue stick.


Hide the objects in a bag and then put your hand in the bag and choose one of the objects.


Describe the shape to an adult and see if they can guess the shape you are holding.


What would you like to keep on getting better at during your time in Year1?

To show how much you have learnt this year in maths, why not create a number book.


Each page could be a different number from 1-20 and you could show different ways to represent each number.



What are you most proud of from your time in Reception?


Draw a big flower on your sheet with 5 big petals.


In the middle write your class name and on each of the petals, write adjectives to describe your year such as fun, exciting and brilliant!

Look at a calendar with a grown up. Can you see all of the days of the week and months of the year?


Can you find your birthday?


Can you find other special dates such as Christmas Day and Halloween?


Can you discuss which days of the week are school days and which are the weekend?


Watch 'The Cautious Caterpillar' story.


What was Cody worried about? How did she overcome her worries? How did she feel at the end of the story?

Draw a portrait of yourself. Around your portrait write words that describe you or things that you really enjoy doing.


You could then give this to your new class teacher in September so that they can learn all about you!

Use an empty jar as a memory jar. Draw or write memories from you time in Reception and put them in the jar.

Write a special letter to your new teacher telling them all about you. Remember to include any questions that you have for them and you can bring it in to give them in September.


Make up a dance routine to the song 'Celebration' to celebrate a brilliant year in Reception!


What are you most excited for in Year 1?

 Make some party food to celebrate a fantastic year in Reception.


Celebrate with your family.

Using M&M’s, Skittles or Smarties, use tweezers to sort the colours into piles ready for your end of Reception celebration party.


Suggested Structured Timetable:

09:30 – 10:00: Phonic Activity from the Bingo Grid or from ideas below.

10:00 – 10:30: Exercise Time

10:30 – 11:00: Free Time

11:00 – 11:30: Maths or English Activity from the Bingo Grid or from ideas below.

11:30 – 13:00: Lunch Time

13:00 – 13:30: Bingo Activity

13:30 – 14:00: Reading Eggs or Mathletics

14:00 – 14:30: Topic Activity from the Bingo Grid or from ideas below.

14:30 – 15:00: Read a storybook, complete a fun craft, or exercise activity.



Phonic / Writing Activities:

  • Listen to the phase 2 and 3 jolly phonics songs on YouTube.

  • Draw 2 aliens Obb and Bob. Obb likes to eat fake words and Bob likes to eat real words. Read these words and give the words to the correct alien: zop, peem, night, quoom, year, top, blit, moon, car, forb, horn.
  • Watch Phase 2 Tricky Words:

  • Watch Phase 3 Tricky Words:

  • Write each of these words on a big piece of paper or on the back of wrapping paper: he, she, we, me, be, my, was, they, her, all, are, you. Once your adult says one of the tricky words, find it and circle it as quickly as you can on your word search.
  • Write some letters on small pieces of paper or sticky notes. Can you build words with the letters?
  • Make a collection of objects from around your house. Can you write labels for each object on small pieces of paper?
  • Create an account and read lots of fun phase 2 and 3 books online for free! 

Username: march20 Password: home



Maths Activities:

  • Go for a walk in the garden with someone from your family and take two containers with you. Collect five natural objects in your container and ask your family member to collect five different objects. How many objects did you find altogether?
  • Ask a friend to clap a repeating pattern for you to copy. Repeat it back to them. Then, you clap a repeating pattern and see if they can repeat it. Try this with some other body percussion, including tapping on your legs, knees, shoulders and head. You could tap your hands, knees, head, hands, knees, head.
  • Label one container as the number 5, one as 3 and one as 7. Throw 3 small balls or bean bags into the containers and add the numbers together depending on which container they land in using a number line. Try again with different numbers.
  • Complete these subtraction number sentences using a number line:

10 – 8 =     15 – 6 =     17 – 9 =     12 – 3 =     9 – 9 =     11 – 7 =

  • Top Marks Maths Games:



Mathletics & Reading Eggs:

  • Usernames and passwords for both of these websites are found in the front of your child’s orange home challenge book.
  • Mathletics – complete any set activities from your class teacher, and explore the website. How many points will you score this week?
  • Reading Eggs – Continue to complete the lessons on your reading eggs account and try accessing the online library to read different stories.
  • Mathletics website:
  • Reading Eggs website:



Topic Activities:

  • Try and learn a new nursery rhyme. You could try:
    • I’m a Little Teapot
    • Pop Goes the Weasel
    • Sing a Song of Sixpence.
  • Look out the window, or go in the garden if you can. Draw or write about what you can see. Are there any animals or birds?
  • Master a new skill, like tying a shoelace or doing up your own buttons.
  • Draw a picture or write to a friend or family member. Pop it in a stamped and addressed envelope and put it in the post when you can.
  • Make a 3D model using clean recyclables.
  • Make Your Own Phone: Find some yoghurt pots and string. Make your own telephone by asking an adult to make holes in the bottom of the yoghurt pots and thread the string through. Send a message down the phone to someone in another room.
  • Keep yourself healthy at home by setting up a circuit of three different exercises. Include a jumping station, a running station and a stretching station.
  • With help from an adult, cut up fruit and vegetables into pieces. Arrange them on a plate, like a picture, and enjoy eating the different colours.




PE & Mindfulness Useful Website Links:

  • Aliens on the loose: Think of strange ways to move as aliens. Think about rhythm, hopping, twisting, jumping or sliding. Maybe move on different pathways, winding, zigzag, spinning and straight.


  • Joe Wicks YouTube channel: Complete his daily children’s home work outs at 9.30am each day.


  • Joe Wicks 5 min kid's workouts:



  • Real PE: 

The website address is

Parent email:  

Password: deanesfiel


