
Deanesfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve... And Make A Difference!

Year 1 Exceptional Home Learning

Year 1 Home Learning - Week 14 (13th - 17th July 2020)

Video Messages from your Teachers!


Click on the links below to go to our Deanesfield YouTube channel, where you can see weekly videos from your teachers, as well as exciting activities and challenges from school staff that you can try whilst you're at home.


Don't forget, you can subscribe to channel to get alerts whenever new videos are uploaded.

Suggested Timetable


Here is a suggested timetable that you may want to use during this time.

It is only an example for you to follow if you would find it useful. Remember, the most important thing is to do what works best for you and your children - Be happy and stay safe!  J


  • 9:00 - 9:20 - Phonics (see phonics grid)
  • 9:20 - 9:40 - English
  • 9:40 - 10:00 -  Reading Eggs 
  • 10:00 - 10:30 - Break
  • 10:30 - 10:50 - Maths
  • 10:50 - 11:10 - Mathletics
  • 11:10 - 12:00 - Topic Grid
  • 12:00 - 13:00 - Lunch 
  • 13:00 - 15:00 - Project / Creative activities / Topic grid
  • 15:00 - 15:20 - Reading Eggs / Story

Whilst you are at home, why don’t you try some of these fantastic activities focusing on our learning about the weather?



  • Writing a non-fiction informative page/book about weather.
  • Writing a weather poem (e.g. shape, acrostic, rhyming, riddle).
  • Keeping a weather diary and recording your findings in a tally chart or table. Can you create a pictogram?
  • Writing and acting out your own weather report for your family. You could create a map of the UK as your own green screen!
  • Comparing the temperatures and different types of weather in different countries. Can you create a factfile about the different countries?
  • Making your own instruments to sound like the weather - create a song that you can teach to your family!
  • Create your own weather game (e.g. Snap, board games etc.). Can you write instructions explaining how to play the game?
  • Making a wind sock or even using an old plastic bottle to measure water levels. Can you write instructions for how to make your instrument or wind sock?
  • Designing clothes for hot or cold weather. Can you work out how much the outfit will cost? Create a poster to advertise your new clothing line! Maybe your could host your own fashion show but don't forget to create tickets to invite your family!
  • Finding out about animals and the weather they are most suited toCan you sort these animals into different groups and label their features? Can you write an explanation as to how you sorted them?
  • Finding out how weather affects the food that we eat - you could design your own healthy meal and create your own recipes!
  • Writing a story (e.g. ‘The Stormy Day’).
  • Finding out about how weather changes in each season - can you create a piece of art inspired by this?
  • Finding out about weather around the world. Can you record your findings in a fact file?
  • Create a piece of art inspired by the weather around you. Can you use shade and tone?
  • Experiment with hot and cold colours to show different weather.


Year 1 Home Learning Introduction (W.B. 13/7/20)

Mrs Craig introduces the home learning activities for this week.

English Grid Activities


Write a list of all the things you are proud of and all the things you have learnt during your time in Year 1.



Write a letter to your new class teacher telling them all about you. Don’t forget to tell them about what you are looking forward to in Year 2!



Complete a new challenge on Reading Eggs.


Challenge: Have a look in the online library and read a new book to a member of your family.


Draw and label a beautiful picture as a reminder of all the fun things you have been doing at home.



Practise your beautiful handwriting.


Enjoy playing lots of your favourite games on Phonics play.

Username: march20 Password: home




Topic Grid Activities


Here are a few ideas of some fun things you can enjoy doing at home.




Create a collage using pictures you have taken or drawn over lockdown.





Be reflective about the year you have had.

Think about all the things you have achieved over the year and share your memories with your family and friends.




Complete the work sheets on sorting clothes.



Play lots of active games with your family! You could look on ‘Just Dance Kids’ on YouTube! Challenge: Can you create your own routine and teach it to your family?




We have learnt about many significant people. Think about what you want to be when you are older e.g. astronaut. Can you find an inspiring person who does that job and create a poster about them?






Create a fact file about your favourite mammal, reptile, amphibian, fish or bird.



Computing home learning:


This week's activity is called 'Sorting It Out'.

Although it may not feel like a computing activity, you are learning about algorithms (sets of instructions) spotting patterns and being able to use your brain to think like a computer!

I hope you enjoy completing it!

Mrs Fraser

Religious Education (R.E.) home learning:

Hello Year 1!

Wow! It's the last week of term and we have learned so much over the last 12 weeks about 'Special books'.

This week I would like you to create a special book all about you. Fold some paper, make a front cover and include a few pages with pictures and information all about you! What makes you special?

Watch the YouTube video to give you some ideas.

Have a wonderful holiday.

Mrs Westall

Music home learning:

Do you know the instruments in the orchestra? Listen carefully to each instrument playing and see if you can guess which instrument makes that kind of sound. You might want to have a few goes and see if you can do better each time!

Mr Owen

Spanish home learning:

Face Parts (Horrible Green Monster!)

Keep practising your Spanish words for parts of the face and see if you can describe the PARTES DE LA CARA HORRIBLE MONSTRUO VERDE!

Parts of the Face

Do you know your Spanish words for parts of the face? Practise with this video!

Remember you can access Reading Eggs and Mathletics in the usual way!


Log on to and use the login march20 and password home and play your favourite games.


Have a go at practising your handwriting in your orange books or on a piece of paper. You could use different coloured pencils to make rainbow letters and words! The letter formation is in your personal organisers.
