Dear Parents and Carers
Thank you for all your support, feedback and adhering to the guidance in helping keep each other safe. The drop off and collection of your children is now working really efficiently, and we appreciate all your support with this. Please remember not to arrive at the gates before they open as it causes unnecessary queueing and the scientific advice is that the longer people are in contact within an area, the greater the risk of infection spreading which is why we need to keep you all moving swiftly to minimise cross contamination. The pavements are very narrow, and we have timed our openings very carefully to minimise congestion with our neighbours.
As things are working well, we are now in a position to re-introduce some further facilities to children.
Hot Dinner Service will resume from w/c 21st September. This means all children in Reception/Years 1 & 2 and any family in receipt of Pupil Premium on request will be offered this provision free of charge and we will no longer be offering school packed lunches. Children in Nursery who stay to lunch and children in Years 3-6 who pay for their dinners can also access this option. However, all orders must be made a week in advance so we can ensure we can allocate the space required for the sitting and keep within the government requirements with keeping year groups separated etc. Next week Mrs Tailor our Operations Manager will advise how you can order your lunches.
Packed lunches We have had several requests from parents for children to be allowed to bring their packed lunch in a lunchbox rather than disposable packaging. You know your child and if you want to give them the responsibility of looking after their own lunch box, keeping it inside their school bag in the morning, and holding onto it throughout lunch after they have eaten and are playing outside, then we won’t object to you sending them into school. However, please be aware that as each ‘bubble’ has its own play zone, lunch bags left down, on the ground can accidently be stood on or kicked and we will not accept responsibility for lost or damaged bags or thermos flasks etc. Many children may find this a challenge in which case using recyclable packaging which can be disposed of straight after eating may be a better option. Your child will not be allowed into the cloakroom until the end of lunchtime to put their lunch box away.